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    270.00 USD 

Everything posted by Colin

  1. ooooh a tank; a new shiney ? I like tanks
  2. Hi man, had a look around the net how would they act on the on each of the Arma servers : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23731 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28767 https://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/weather.html http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31841 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28562 Dane and Random !!
  3. Colin


    As many as Troublesim , Dane and X8 think it needs, they are the guys that look at the pro's and cons of each Mod that goes on the servers. Be patient there are other servers in OGG that need tending to atm P.S Spread the word on the server, the more that know the more votes it will hopefully get.
  4. Colin


    That could be a good one, tried a couple on reborn and they are hard!! Something that the Devs should look into.
  5. Something that should be talked about at the next minutes meeting.
  6. Like Johnny said, we have enough Admins in OGG (Arma) maybe some of them should start to Admin.
  7. Only being able to give an opinion about the Arma 3 servers I had to vote No. Either you become an Admin with all responsabilities, powers and perks or you just leave your fingers from it. I see no point in having "moderators" on the Arma servers that will only be equipped with watered down powers. You gave an example that moderators should only be able to teleport/kick/mute players , these are things that in my opinion should only be carried out by Admins!! When a player needs to be kicked or muted then he / she is bordering on a permaban for whatever reason. I am not sure that this is even possible with the Infistar Admin tool. All Admins should know what they are letting themselves in for and that they are going to have to sacrifice some game time so that others can play and have fun.
  8. Lately some players have been asking if we could implement a vote Day system, would this be ok if a majority voted for it ? Something easy that an online Admin could deal with.
  9. How about a few roaming AI in armed SUV´s, no need for armoured vics (BTR, Gorgens etc) at the moment and see what they have for an impact on server performance. It would also keep players on their toes.
  10. Could be a cool mod to have on the server, but it could also mean a server wipe which would be a problem for some players. X8 would know best, which way to go.
  11. Here are a couple, not much but a start: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/364028662246918186/192BDE5DA27E997694F13D4C481C43470422EB44/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/400056003566688307/74033BB8A1A8BDE97E4B4C0ACE1186E8A0923489/
  12. Colin

    Star Citizen

    Hi, been having the no ships in dock + invisible character bug the last couple of days , have you or any of your friends got the same or know of a work around ? Tried deleting User files but didnt help any.
  13. Colin

    Star Citizen

    ooooh I do like this game, died lots but fun , upgraded to Avenger ,two friends like aswell see what happens maybe upgrade to 5 seater
  14. Colin

    Star Citizen

    And your first impressions HeiNRicH ?
  15. Im in on that, hit me up on uplay nickname is BADKATT
  16. Can also cause serious cases of BUTTHURT when driving past .
  17. If it helps improve the frame rate for people on some lower end systems then you got my yes .
  18. The re-arming with the Bobcat is a bit buggy always has been, it will only give you small amount then you have to move or wait .
  19. Hi guys, as many of you know there is a problem with player vehicles being left unattended around the map in particular around the trader zone. Most of you may of noticed that there are certain areas around the map where there is an FPS drop of 50% or more which is being caused by 20-40 vehicles that have been left unattended for more than a short stop, as the Admins have been able to implement a Virtual Garage there should be no need for this to happen. My suggestion is that once or twice a week ALL vehicles that are not in your Virtual Garage or base will be deleted without refund ! This sounds like a radical step but a necessary one to reduce the load on the server which would hopefully result in a smoother gaming experience for all. If anybody else has a idea how we can stop the map being cluttered with vehicles that are not in use then please post your suggestion. PS With the Virtual Garage up and running there is no need to have 25 vehicles parked at your base which would also help to reduce the size of some bases and again reduce load on the server.
  20. Colin

    Colin´s Rig

    Inte i7 4790k @4GHz turbo 4,4GHz Corsair Hydro H100i watercooling Gigabyte G1.Sniper Z97 Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 1866MHZ Cosair Obsidian 650D Midi Tower ATX be quiet 730W pure Power +80 Bronze 512GB SSD Samsung 850 PRO 2TB WD RED HDD ASUS GTX 970 Strix OC 4GB SLI 2 x Samsung S27D390 Monitors
  21. Nice aspect to the game with the jungle and all, looking forward to it.
  22. Hi guys , talked to some of you on ts , promoted others. Please take all and dont let it go to waste or despawn. Have fun and maybe we see and talk with each other some other time. As for the Admins keep at it guys you have alot of work in front of you that will be rewarded sooner or later.
  23. All good points, unfortunatly something that has been happening maybe too often the last few weeks. Admins clearing missions with GOD mode , then posting in chat "here is free loot" is not a fun way for me too play the game. When people buy a vehicle , play with it for a few hrs then decide they dont like it and ask for a refund is also one of those thing that to say the least annoy me.
  24. Actually think you did me a favour, base Looks better 2nd time round .
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