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Extended Base Mod

Red Hands

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I saw this on another server somewhere, I liked the addition of items available for your base since this is mostly a base building type server. 

Extended_Base_Mod  - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=647753401



Huge Container: 20.000
Metalshelf doublesided: 5.000
Icebox: 1.500
Shelf 1: 4.000
Shelf: 3.000
Land Container Green: 15.000
Hangar: 40.000
Ammobox: 7.000
Tentdome: 1.000
Land Container Sand Small: 13.500
Cargo container Small: 6500
Garbage Container: 8500
Metalshed 4 Layers: 5500
Suitcase: 1250
Ammo Box: 750

At the Moment there are the following structures implemented:
- Sandbagbarrier 1, 3, 5
- Sandbagbunker,
- CncBarrier
- Stonewall + Gate
- Ladder
- Watercooler
- Ammobox
- LandContainer
- Sandbag Corner,Sandbag long, Sandbagbunker
- Shelf
- Sandbagbunker Small
- Hangar
- Sandbagwall Big Corner, 6m, 4m
- ConcreteRamp
- Concrete Walls 3 Types
- Helipad
- New Shelf
- concrete door
- Bar Gate
- Helipadlights Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, White
- Wooden Pier
- icebox
- Sign Military Area
- Military Cnc Wall
- Military Outpost
- Steelfence
- Rusty Tank
- Metalshelve
- Cargo Tower V2 Big
- Fuelstation
- BagBunker Large
- Shootingposition
- Halogen Lamp
- Slum Container
- Cargo Container Big
- Military outpost small
- Broken Shed
- Cargo Container Sand Small
- CNC Stairs
- Garage
- Platform
- Tentdome
- Tenthangar
- CNC Barrier1
- Medium CNC Barrier
- Crashbarrier
- Bigshed
- Touristshed
- Watersource
- CNC Wall small 4+8m
- Military Sign small + Vehicle
- Portable Floodlight Double
- Radar Small
- Slumplane
- Table
- Toilet
- Pierbox (like a Helipad)
- chair
- cncblock
- container small
- industryfence 1 + 3
- Streetlamp
- Sea wall
- Tavern + Tavern middle
- Big Dome
- Airplanehangar
- Metal Shed
- Solartower
- Sunchair
- Sunshade
- Shabby Lamp
- Airport Tower
- Barracks,
- Beach Booth,
- Castle Tower
- Unexploded Ammo Sign
- Transmission Tower
- Bush
- Pier
- 3 kind of Stones
- Sleeping Bag
- 2 Solarpanels
- 2 Campingchairs
- Campingtable
- Campinglight
- Altismap
- Pavements Narrow and Wide with corners
- Cement Mixer
- Watersink
- Metalshed 4 Layers
- Flag CSAT
- Garbage Container
- 2 Houses
- 2 research facilities
- Plastic crate
- A few APEX buildings


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