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Raginwald Artor

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Posts posted by Raginwald Artor

  1. **Be it known that on the 10th Day of June, in the year of our lord 1057, that, I, Raginwald Artor hereby acknowledge the urgings of my citizens and my allies and formally declare myself King of the Northwest for now and forever**

    I also confirm I am Lord of THE SAINTS and protector of the Northwest.  My borders extend North and South from the Western Edge of McClure lake. North to the coast and the border between Western Reach and Old Country.  South to the border with Sanguine Bay. 

    I have guarded these lands for years, since the beginnings of conflict in this realm.  Despite my desire to tend to my fields in peace, I have been forced to wield my Morningstar and strap on my armor to defend it since I washed ashore on these lands almost a decade ago. 

    I have burned a baroness, I have butchered tyrants and cast down false gods.  I have put armies to the sword, crushed enemy formations under the hooves of my Destrier and put down raiders, criminals, and traitors.  I have always championed the cause of defending those in my protectorate that could not defend themselves and ruthlessly exterminating those that would seek to harm those that I defend and those that have my loyalty.  I have and will always stand shoulder to shoulder with my allies - for if I am anything, I am a man of my word and loyal to those that stood and stand by me.

    I have a great deal of blood on my hands - but I hope that it has been worth it to carve out an area of stability, of progress, of community and reason.

    If you wish to settle in my realm - I pledge the following to you:

    To provide sanctuary to all lost souls, and those who are the victims of tyranny and treachery.

    To fight on behalf of those that cannot defend themselves in the North West.

    To ruthlessly annihilate those that threaten the freedom of the North West.

    To loyally support our allies and those we share common cause with, in the North West and beyond.

    To build a united Kingdom, where all are free and welcome to trade, live and grow.


    The North is not a civilized place - there are no hand-outs and no guarantees.  If you hack out a homestead or a fortress in my lands, you will do so on your own merit. 

    I ask only the following of you:

    • Adopt my pledges as your own.  Do what is right for the people of the Northwest.
    • Take care of yourself - become a member of the Kingdom, not a vassal to it. 
    • Defend yourself - the lands of this island are violent, and they are unforgiving.  If you settle in my realm, I expect you to be able to fight.
    • Keep the peace - treat all members of the Northwest and its allies with respect.
    • Pledge yourself to my banner - when I sound the Horn of the Saints, I expect you to take up arms and fight to defend our homes - as I will fight and die to defend you.
    • Stand alongside me - I need your strength, not your submission - be proud, be bold, be a person of integrity.
    • Be virtuous, be noble, and be rough around the edges.
    • Become strong. 

    Do these things - and I welcome you to the Northwest with open arms.  Settle, build, train, and grow. 

    Any violence in or malicious use of, the aforementioned territory will be ruthlessly put down - I  have neither the time, energy or patience to deal with any petty politics, ill-thought out schemes, honeyed words, or amateur warlords.

    I hope I can be your greatest ally, and if not, I wish you the very best of luck.


    Raginwald Artor

    King of the Northwest

    Et Nomini Patri, et fili, spiritus, sancti.



  2. **Be it known on the 11th Day of April, in the year of our lord 1057, that I, Raginwald Artor, Lord of the Saints and protector of the North West declare the following**

    The Claim of THE FORGOTTEN is hereby forbidden from setting foot with in the Lands of The Saints henceforth.  If any member of that claim is found to have trespassed, they will be considered enemies of the North West - and a bounty will be placed on their head.

    Any member of the claim violating this edict, will implicate all members of that claim - all will then be subject to the bounty.

    This petty, amateur flailing about the realm does a disservice to the word "bandit" - and I will not tolerate it within my lands.


    I am Raginwald Artor, the butcher of Hillguard, the usurper of tyrants, the god-slayer,  and Lord of the Northwest - and this I swear.

    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sanc

  3. Find below the historic archive of the Battle for Hillguard, the decisive battle in the war against the Barony, and the Tyrant Adri Firpsrin.

    The sun rose over the crest of the small ridge over-looking the field.  Broken bodies sprawled in the wet grass, a few of them still groaned, albeit shortly as they were identified and executed.  Flames rose from the shattered Barony tents, and the rubble of destroyed siege engines.

    Raginwald slowly slid his plate helm from his head, relishing the cool morning wind of early spring.  Around him, a phalanx of warriors clustered, gazing out at the burning, crushed field where the Barony forces had been annihilated. 

    Among these blood and gore covered warriors stood long-time veterans and newer soldiers, all blooded now, and bonded by the shared belief in freedom.  The colours of the Renegades of Salvation and the Guardians of the Citadel standing together with Veritas Aequitas.

    Raginwald nodded at the King in the South, Vivenji and the Ynglings:

    “Nemo Me Impune Lacessit”.  No one provokes me with impunity – an old family axiom, but ever appropriate – even more so now.

    His armour was stained with blood, his hair was matted to his face with the filth of the early morning blood-letting.

    This fight had not been glorious.  This had been butcher’s work.

    Against all reason the former Baroness Adri had sent her forces onto the field, rejecting any notion of dialogue and without considering the calculus of war.

    She had recruited new members, names Raginwald had never observed amongst her number – they were all now littering the dew-flecked grass, dead, for nothing other than one woman’s hubris.

    Raginwald unfolded the letter to read one last time before affixing it to a raven.  Hopefully it would find Adri, wherever she was.

    “Adri, it is done.  Your army is crushed and broken at hillguard – none were left alive.  I offer you new terms for your surrender.  I encourage you to consider them before indulging your arrogance to protect a title you no longer deserve.  I told you when you first met me on the northern shores of Lake McClure that I had come to this land to be a farmer, and forget my bloody, military past.  That is no longer an option – I cannot allow your manipulative, duplicitous schemes to further corrupt this land.  Deny me, condemn me, fabricate tales for your people as you like – you will not escape the reality that the leaders of this realm are finished with you – they are no longer going to endure your weak attempts at Hegemony – and they have given you a clear message of that today, written in the blood of your army.  Think long and hard inside your hollow keep about your future.  For you are at a crossroads – one path leads to the complete obliteration of every last brick you claim, the other to a costly armistice.  One path allows you to survive, the other, does not.  I hope my, and my companions resolve is clear to you now.  If you accept to consider a meeting to discuss the terms of your surrender – send a raven to Veritas Aequitas.  If not, I wish you the best, with what little time remains to you”

    Raginwald folded the letter up and released the raven towards Firsprin Keep – just visible through the smoke of burning bodies being piled in the aftermath of the massacre.

    He hoped she would see reason – or at least the pragmatic reality of the corpse heap burning on her doorstep.


    Replacing his helm, Raginwald turned back to his companions, and prepared for the next operation in the campaign.



  4. **Be it known on the 18th Day of March, in the year of our lord 1057, that I, Raginwald Artor, Lord of the Saints and protector of the North West declare the following**

    The Guild of "The Forgotten" is hereby prohibited from entering the lands of The Saints without specific permission.

    If any unsanctioned violation of this edict occurs, the offending member of the claim is declared a criminal in the eyes of the Northwest and will be executed.

    The Guild leader, Vulchr Gow will be held personally accountable.

    Ever will I champion the cause of the down-trodden, protect those that cannot protect themselves, and bring justice to the wicked. 

    I will never abide those that seek to incite violence, scheme against the righteous or speak with a forked tongue.

    I am the sword in the darkness, the shield that guards the North West.

    I am Raginwald Artor, the butcher of Hillguard, the usurper of tyrants, the god-slayer,  and Lord of the Northwest - and this I swear.

    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti

  5. **Be it known on the 7th Day of July, in the year of our lord 1054, that I, Raginwald Artor, Lord of the Saints and protector of the North West declare the following**

    For a period of 1 year, ending in July 1055 The Guild of "Exile" is hereby prohibited from entering the lands of The Saints without permission.

    If any unsanctioned violation of this edict occurs, the offending member of the claim is declared a criminal in the eyes of the Northwest and will be executed.

    The Guild leader, Sara ExA will be held personally accountable.

    Ever will I champion the cause of the down-trodden, protect those that cannot protect themselves, and bring justice to the wicked. 

    I will never abide those that seek to incite violence, scheme against the righteous or speak with a forked tongue.

    I am the sword in the darkness, the shield that guards the North West.

    I am Raginwald Artor, the butcher of Hillguard, the usurper of tyrants, the god-slayer,  and Lord of the Northwest - and this I swear.

    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti

  6. **Be it known in this, the year of our lord 1054, that I, Raginwald Artor, Lord of the Saints and protector of the North West declare the following**

    For the remainder of the year, before the cold of winter sets in, the Saints are offering nightly opportunities to train mounted and dismounted combat

    Should you show promise during these training events, should you show commitment and determination and diamond hard integrity - you may be offered an opportunity to take a trial. 

    If you are successful in this trial, which is based on your character, you may be offered an opportunity to don the colours of the Saints, be granted a set of our holy armour, bestowed with a sanctified weapon and choose your pure-bred steed to ride with us.


    To signal your desire to train for the opportunity to be judged, send a raven to our mountain stronghold.


    It is likely you will die.

    Even if you succeed you may not be offered a place with us - but we have fought in these lands for years protecting those that could not protect themselves. We have butchered tyrants, crushed malcontents and driven them from the realm. If you think you have the fortitude to stand with us - we will test you, and if you are worthy, we will select you.

    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti

  7. **Be it known on this, the 10th of May, in the year of our lord 1054: The following individual is declared Excommunicate Traitoris and hereby banished from setting foot in The Saints lands.


    Tuntervan Tuefel Hunden


    His crimes are as follows:

    1) Disrespecting the flag of neutrality during a formal event put on by the King in the South

    2) Assaulting members of the Saints outside of the matches during the event.

    3) Failure to make amends for laying hands on Saints members.


    For his crimes - a bounty is placed on Tunteraven's head.


    The bounty reward will be paid to those parties who complete any of the following

    1) Apprehend Tunteraven and bring him to the Saints for judgement.

    2) Kill Tunteraven and present his head to the Lord of the Saints (Screenshot proof of the "engagement" required)


    The Bounty Reward will consist of the following:

    1) A set of T2 armor

    2) A selection of 3 Q100 warhorses (including Spirited and Hardy)

    3) A choice of one melee weapon.

    4) A selection of Q99 seeds

    5) 10 Q100 sprouts (Oak/Pine/Apple)


    Good hunting,

    Raginwald Artor

    The criminal has been judged and has paid for his crimes with his life.  This bounty is now concluded.


  8. Be it recorded on this 19th Day of February, in the year of our lord 1054 that, I, Raginwald Artor, Lord of the North West Mountain and Defender of the people of the North West so declare the following:

    "Be it known that The Saints, following the bloody wars of old and after years of seclusion, reflection and perfection of our martial arts, offer opportunity to all warriors of integrity, of reason, and of merit that champion what is right, over their own ambition.  Should you feel you have the potential to stand with us against tyranny and evil make your way to the North West Mountain and your trials will begin."


    "Be it known that The Saints as well offer sanctuary to all crafts-people, trades-people, smiths, farmers, live stock merchants, foresters, hunters and those that are still choosing their path.  If you wish to learn and practice your craft, make your way to the North West Mountain and your professions may begin."


    "Be it known that The Saints offer support, and alliance with all those groups that espouse the virtues of loyalty, equality, pragmatic reason and valor.  Common values are the genesis for common purpose, and common purpose provides a momentum to progress that is unmatched.  Should you wish to be proximate to the Mountain Stronghold of the Saints, and benefit from trade/defense/council and community, consider settling in the North West Mountain Region and pledging your commitment to The Saints and the freedom of the North West."

    Solemn Affirmations of The Saints

    To provide sanctuary to all lost souls, and those who are the victims of tyranny and treachery.

    The fight on behalf of those that cannot defend themselves in the North West.

    To ruthlessly annihilate those that threaten the freedom of the North West.

    To loyally support our allies and those we share common cause with, in the North West and beyond.

    From this moment on, the doors of The Saints will open to those that successfully pass our trials, spiritually and physically.  If you choose to attempt to join  our ranks - I wish you the very best of luck - should you be successful, your path will become difficult, but your potential all the greater.

    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti


  9. King in the South,

    I, Raginwald - Lord of the Saints and defender of the North West - formally recognize your edict above. 

    Further - I request access in your lands for movement, trade and hunting, and cordially invite you to do the same in the North West.

    It is good to see you back in the chair.

    The Saints remember your fury and sacrifice in the bloody conflicts of old.

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  10. What server?: Life is Feudal
    What happened?: 3 Hardy Warhorses deleted
    How long?: Occurred in the last 24hrs
    Extra notes: Only 2 viable options that I see at this point:
    1) Somehow I left 2 gates open, and they were killed while I was offline (which is a bannable offense)
    2) They deleted for some reason (an error of some kind)
    Replication: No

  11. 595b8a68552ee_TreeTroubleshooting.thumb.jpg.7115e9139cc88c2042e5dba604a39d61.jpg

    From the Image:

    1) The Green square in the upper left has an invisible tree in it.

    2) The Red Square in the upper right was the first sapling I planted - it did not appear and the square turned red for terraforming as you can see (also - it says there is a tree there, but there is nothing to interact with - and it doesn't block movement).

    3) The lower left and lower right white squares were planted with sapling next - both appeared.

    4) I cut both saplings down and uprooted the stumps, as directed.

    5) Awaiting restart for verification of the test.

    6) This is all on my claim.

    7) Test completed at 0834 EST

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  12. On behalf of the Saints, I wanted to pass along my thanks to the Yngling Brothers of the Renegades of Salvation for the event they hosted last night.  I also want to thank the old dogs and the new bloods that showed up to swing a sword or get drunk and brawl.

    Was a great time, and a great way to kick off some player organized events.

    Once we're all tired of greedily harvesting our crops, I hope I can convince my guys to put on an event even half that good.



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