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Everything posted by Troublesim

  1. New server now up. Currently Running Snapshot 17w18b. Vanilla Minecraft is now available with the following ip. You will need to be whitelisted but simple to do go here for more information.
  2. Download Minecraft Launcher (You''ll need a MC account and have purchased the game) https://minecraft.net/en-us/download/ Once Login and select launch options Then Select Add New Name and then select version release 1.12 then Save Then select News at the top of the page Finally next to play click on the up arrow and select OGG Vanilla Server (or whatever you named your launch options in step 4)
  3. Comment below in the following format to be added. Example Troublesim
  4. Server Rules No Griefing includes but isn't limited mass PvP, Luring mobs to players, mass obsidian, trolliing etc. Respect other players and admins No Spamming No Advertising No Racism / discrimination No use of X-Ray auto Armour etc this will result in a permanent ban. Being added to the whitelist Comment in the following format HERE or you will not be added. In-game Name Don't add anything else, you will usually added within 24 hours do not chase this or you may not be added.
  5. This is in regards to Server 1 Altis PvE Exile So a lot of people have been asking when's the wipe happening etc. The simple answer is it's not. The thing that is happening is a rebuild, however this is going to take at least 2-3 months and with 1.7 release in just under 2 weeks it may be even longer and I am also in the process on my final exams so this will be even more of a delay so you can all play because you have lots of waiting around for nothing to happen. Regards Troublesim
  6. As stated this morning we have some issues with the box, I am not going into further details yet and will try and keep you updated as and when the servers are back up.
  7. Thank you everyone for your patience this morning, here is a summary of what happened: when the SSD was installed it had altered the BIOS and affected the box clock, this then restricted the RDP access and therefore we couldn't start the servers etc. This has taken all morning to resolve but is now up and running so we can all stop with the withdrawal symptoms.
  8. Better late than never. Enjoy Edition 4.pdf
  9. On 5/2/17 Box2 which runs Arma 2 PvE, Arma 3 PvP, Both Ark Servers, and the Life is Feudal Server will be under going maintenance at 07:00 AM CST.which will last around 15 minutes. (Teamspeak and the forums) will also be down for this time ONLY.This is so the box can be shutdown for an installation of a SSD. On the same day at 11:30 CST all of the Arma 2 PvE, Arma 3 PvP, and the Life is Feudal Server will be shutdown for no longer than an hour to move all of the databases to the new hardware. Sorry for an inconvenience
  10. An admin meeting will take place next SATURDAY 6th AT 18:00 CST 17:00 EST 00:00 BST Minutes will be taken in case you are unable to attend and posted in the relevant forum section. Players who are not admins if you wish for a topic to be discussed please PM Myself or another admin, there is not a guarantee it will be discussed however it will be mentioned.
  11. Due to recent security updates, windows updates were automatically turned on this caused the issue with box 1 this morning.
  12. There was a breach of the remote desktop this morning where all servers where shut down or forced to stop, this was done using a brute force and DDOS method and has risked the security of OGG servers. Therefore we have taken the necessary steps to secure both boxes to make sure it doesn't happen again. Regards Troublesim
  13. General Rules No PvP for any reason (includes self defense) let admins deal with it No Stealing No Base Raiding No Racism Be respectful to both players and admins.
  14. If you wish to become an admin within the ark server please let myself / Dane or Deadman know.
  15. So with the recent addition of severs there is a possibility to run multiple events and even just an event server (Not a definite thing). So what games would you like to see the events on and what sort of events would you participate in. An explanation of what each event means is below. Treasure Hunt: Given something to find in an area, a crate safe etc. Team Competition: Teams of 2/3/4 etc given tasks to carry out, PvP events, Race for wool Competitions, etc. Objective Style: Capture the Flag, Transport the Vehicle etc. General Knowledge: Quiz on certain areas/games to give in-game rewards etc. Clue Trails: Answer the clue get given location of another clue until you get a reward. If you vote other please answer in the following format will make things easier to record. Reply format: Your Game Choice with reason. Your Event Choice with reason. General Comment. If this does go ahead and people would like to make this sort of thing a regular occurrence I would like to have a group of volunteers (don't have to be admins) to monitor/record the events to make sure it is fair etc. In terms of prizes for each of the events this may range from in game rewards to steam cards or if you're lucky games.
  16. Issue resolved?? Hoping to do this soon but it does require some work as it does mean that admins have a lot of power to do bad things, not saying any admin would, but if an admin got upset/annoyed with the community then it could result in large damage.
  17. Using A3 Launcher: http://a3launcher.com/ First set your arma 3 directory and where you want your mods installed, (Recommend: Both in Arma 3 Folder) Next subscribe/download the following mods: Cup Unit, weapons and vehicles, Exile and Community Based Addons (CBA) Finally Search Old Guys Gaming and click the play button, if done correctly arma will launch and you'll be on the server. Using Arma 3 Launch in Steam: If connecting through website use this method. Firstly download the mods for the server or subscribe to them on the steam workshop. Exile: http://www.exilemod.com/downloads/ Cup: http://cup-arma3.org/download CBA:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 Either use the add Steamworkshop icon or add local mod. It is recommended you put the Mods in your Arma 3 Directory or Documents and add the mods to arma 3 in the mods section. Once done hit the load all button feel free to make a preset. This should then look like the above picture. In the Servers tab under internet search Old Guys Gaming and Favorite them by clicking the star icon.
  18. If you haven't talked to me this week then you'll not know I've been working on an Arma 2 Server which is now ready!! If you have talked to me this week I'm sorry. So we've gone straight back to where OGG all began in Arma 2, we have made an updated server to what we used to run so if you want a challenge or a bit of nostalgia be sure to check it out. Full instructions and more here: https://old-guys-gaming.com/forum/index.php?/forum/10-arma-2/
  19. Server Rules General Rules: Join the OGG group to help distinguish players from AI! No PvP for any reason (includes self defense) let admins deal with it No Stealing No Base Raiding Claim and mark missions within 2k from mission No deleting other players map markers Vehicles left unattended within 1km of the trader may be deleted at any time Exploitation: 1st Time: Warning 2nd Time: Account reset 3rd Time: Permanent Ban Base Building: No building within 1500m of trader No building within 500m of spawn towns No building within 200m of military/highloot buildings No building within 150m of towns/cities Remember to pay your base upkeep (20 days) Advisory Rules: Join TS to coordinate with other players/admins as necessary. Teamspeak: ts.old-guys-gaming.com If you have a problem and no Admin is online first check TS and if no reply go to the relevant section in the help desk: https://old-guys-gaming.com/forum/index.php?/forum/71-help-desk/
  20. Thanks for the input as well, if you have more questions/suggestions feel free to post.
  21. This is something we can look however adding something like this would probably need a server wipe or various other things in order to make it work, Currently this is on our prestige list with various options of armed vehicles: If you can donate the money to run a server capable of this please do. This would require a huge amount of resources to run, and can you imagine the client side lag of them fighting etc. we have a PvP tanoa map however this is a new server we could build but switching it out with the current server would limit new and current players from joining. Our PvE Reborn server has this plus zombies, it adds a certain element that a few players don't like. The server has a cleanup script in place so that bases that are left are removed. This is something we can look into but it may annoy players in unarmed helis getting lock ons and shot down for flying just a bit too close to a mission trying to land at their base.
  22. The best part of every month. April fools (I try too hard) Edition 3.pdf
  23. OGG is having an upgrade!! So the next week is going to be very busy so please keep an eye on the forums and this post especially. We are moving Box 2 (Anything with the ip) to a new upgraded machine. This move will take place next Complete The new ip will be, this means the servers will go to the following ip's: Arma 3 PvP: Complete Ark: Complete Life is Feudal has been changed from its old ip to More Details: https://old-guys-gaming.com/forum/index.php?/topic/653-new-server/ Teamspeak will also be moving 04/26/17 06:00 CST 12:00 BST For Teamspeak the current server will remain live until the 04/28/17 with a poke message with the new address. Be sure to change your bookmarks etc. Finally Box 1 will be getting an upgrade in the first week of April, this will result in both Arma 3 PvE servers ( ip's) being unavailable for up to 4 hours Complete we will try and do this to have as low as an impact as possible. We will try our best to make sure everything runs smoothly however there are risks so please be patient while we carry out the switches and to make sure if you find a problem to report it to an admin or under the help desk on the forum. More Details may follow so please make sure you read the forums regularly. Regards Troublesim
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