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Johnny Anarchy

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Posts posted by Johnny Anarchy

  1. it's pretty evident that there's some changes going on, which will take effect in full on 05.19.2017 when it comes to rules and regulations on our Arma 3 servers.  if there's anything you think we're doing wrong or (god forbid) doing right, now's your opportunity to have a voice.

    what would you like to see?  what do you love/hate?  biggest problems?  etc... etc.

    there's no such thing as a stupid question, so feel free to query (within REASON) as to any changes you may or may not understand.  feel free to approach any arma 3 admin in TS with a question or problem.  we also encourage you to use the differing areas of the website for help/support.  if we don't have your answer, we'll find it for you.. rest assured. 

    also, please follow our chain of command.  contact an arma 3 admin first, we're always around.  we'll approach the higher ups with problems and get them solved.  please don't bother one of our owners/lead admins with problems that we can handle, leave the guess-work to us.

    most importantly.... HAVE FUN!!  it's what we're all here to do.  we're currently up and running v1.70 on all arma 3 servers.


  2. i agree with @Goonawhole-heartedly..  by the way, thanks for keeping your cool bub.

    like @SARGEsaid, this came up at our admin meeting a few weeks back.  a lot of us are in agreement that changes need to be made..  nothing overly drastic, but enough to prevent such frustrations.

  3. the thing i've heard about people wanting the most when it comes to arma 2 is the AI city mission or something similar.  personally, i like things the way they are..  but it's always good to keep things fresh and bounce some ideas around.

  4. players -

    really quickly, i'd like to review our chain of command that pertains to in-game problems.  friendly reminder here, joining teamspeak will tend to get your problems solved quickly.. also feel free to post here on the forums/website in the instance there are no admins present or available for you on TS.  we'll get around to it as soon as somebody is available.

    As a last resort, (barring imminent emergency.. example being the server is getting hacked) are you to message, poke, or otherwise expect the following people to drop what they're doing and come to your rescue :




    these three are busy enough..  granted they're all nice guys and may see you in a help desk channel on TS or see your post on the website and decide to help you on their own accord.  but please, don't pester them.  (PS - the shoutbox is NOT the place to address in game losses or player problems..  we have a help desk for that both in TS and on the website.)

    any arma admin will be more than happy to help you, time provided.  for major issues, an arma admin will approach X8 (lead arma 3 admin) with the issues at hand, or others if need be.  please leave the climbing of the admin chain of command up to us, it's our job.


    • Upvote 1
  5. starting this thread with the hope that the arma 3 community can contribute a little bit more input....

    what is it that you'd like to see on our arma 3 (pve evile/pve reborn) servers?  (within reason)

    what are we doing that you like/dislike?

    how do you think we can improve?

    there's no such thing as a bad answer..  give us some feedback.


    • Upvote 2
  6. Corsair Spec Ops II case (red LED)
    i7 4970k (stock clock 4.0ghz)
    MSI ATX Z97 Gaming mobo
    32GB Corsair Vengeance RAM (ddr3 1600mhz)
    Corsair Hydro H75 liquid CPU cooling
    2x's Radeon r6 470 GPU
    EVGA SuperNova 850T2 PSU (850w)

    i chew arma 3 up on ultra, and cost less than $1000 to build myself.

  7. just to clarify, the center of airfield trader is not the point we're measuring from.  please note the black circle that surrounds airfield trader..  there's a very good chance that if you were anywhere inside 250m of the outer part of the circle, your vehicle was either moved or deleted.

    like random said, central trader isn't your parking lot..  neither are the fields that surround it. 

    go spend the 5k in pop tabs to buy a flag, go and put it down, and park all the vehicles around it you like.

    • Upvote 1
  8. per request, i've gone and deleted over 30 misc. vehicles from in/around airfield trader.  this applied to anything that wasn't over 250m from the OUTSIDE of the radius of trader, per XM8/server rules and info.  everything has been logged by the last 4 digits of your Arma 3 UID, so come prepared with that if you're looking for a missing vehicle.

    personally, i don't remember when or why things were changed to 250m...  the distance should be at LEAST double that.

    • Upvote 1
  9. spent a pretty good deal of time talking with ruin about this yesterday..  here's my thoughts.

    tanoa, all-be-it a great map, will eliminate some of your already existent player-base.  you have a LOT of people on the regular A3 server who haven't had the opportunity or affordability to purchase the Apex DLC.  

    there's 27 maps between epoch and exile that are free via A3Launcher or Armaholic, my suggestion would be to use one of those just so it's available to everyone who's interested in playing.  there's also a TON of content available in both to make the server unique.  

    my suggestion would be something along these lines:

    a map of your choice that stresses apocalyptic survival, and yes...  there's zombies. (there's other mods aside from ryan's z&d...  zombies shouldn't be able to flip over cars or chase after you with usain bolt speed.)   players start with absolutely nothing... (think rick grimes in TWD)  free-spawning world loot, but nothing extremely crazy like military weapons, those will have to be earned through missions.  (example: an AI weapons cache in a building that has to be raided floor by floor, which will stress tactics and teamwork.)  there are no tanks, no artillery cannons, minimal aircraft, etc...  let's face it, the only people rolling around in armed striders during the apocalypse would more than likely be military.  vehicles like that should be EXTREMELY difficult to come by, if at all.  a crafting system similar to either epoch or exile, so players can build their own base/items through work or through missions. (example: AI are manufacturing concrete/wood parts for themselves, giving you the opportunity to steal them..  AI are manufacturing ammunition, giving you the chance to steal it.)  to an extreme angle, the server could be made semi PvP/RP, which would give players the opportunity to choose survivor or OpFOR. (this is just an idea, as i'm a fan of PvE..  but this may enable the whole idea of whitelisting the server.)  many of the scripts are already available, but would require some tweaks to get them where we want them.

    these are just a few of the ideas i bounced off of ruin in the hour or so long convo we had yesterday in TS.  if you'd like to hear more, feel free to find me in the TS...  i'll be happy to explain further.  

    - Johnny

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