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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/15 in Posts

  1. As Jaspoe30 has stated Balance is the key, and communication plus patience on our part is also an element to add to this conversation. There might not be an easy answer to this. The heavier armored vehicles were brought in because of the Helicopter convoy's and then those vehicles were used to take out the missions that pop up around the map making it easier and easier for the player base. The player base gets bored and they want more weapons and other toys and after that they are bored again. There doesn't seem to be an end. The AI get tougher we want more toys to combat that. That's fine but boredom comes quick and where do we go from there. To keep from being bored you as a player base and myself included must change the way we do things on this map with this Mod. It's a PvE server, which means we are in conflict with the environment. The AI should always have the upper hand and we need to figure out, adjust what we are doing, make a plan before going out to complete a mission and except the fact that we will most likely loose most of the time. We are not Kings with castles and lots of loot, but convicts on the run trying to survive. Now these are my thoughts and will welcome feedback.
    1 point
  2. If I had my way those bases would be gone as well. When I take on a mission I want to be challenged. To me that's fun (maybe it's not fun for other people to do it this way). Where is the fun when you have towers or a tank and kill everything in a matter of seconds with little risk for the reward? At this point it just becomes more of a grind and your doing it only for the loot and respect....at some point I would ask myself "Wait....this was supposed to be fun right?" My main issue with tanks and the like is if they are used to clear a mission from 1000m out. If we could figure out a way to bring some balance back then I would be ok with it. Introducing anti tank measures is a good start.
    1 point
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