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Gumball Rally Race


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Hi Guys,

My thought is to get a bunch of players together on a weekend day and run a cross country rally race.  This would be done to generate interest in the server by offering In Server/Non Arma reliant content.  Basically building something using available tools and some imagination.

It would work something like this:  All players start at a start line (it can be pairs like a rally race, with one being navigator/gunner) and with the same vehicle type.  Presumably something with some speed like a hunter or Qilan.  They have to run a course across or around the map, checking in at key checkpoints to pick up colors of smoke grenades to confirm they went there.  While they can go offroad to attempt shortcuts, roads offer higher travel speeds to reach checkpoints.  Officials/Admins running the race determine the type of vehicle and whether its a fighting race, and monitor the race overhead using choppers.  In fact there is no reason vehicles can't be helis as well.  Jets would not be realistic as they could not land at the checkpoints to collect markers.

The courses can be as long or short as Admins wish, as long as checkpoints are clearly labelled.  Hence the need for a navigator.  Each vehicle would be issued a set number of duct tape for repairs as well as instadocs and a defib kit.  Fighting races can be anything from simple smash up derby style to air-air combat on the fly.  To the winner(s) would go prestige loot crates or even money prizes toward vehicle purchases. ( I am unclear whether respect can be issued by Admins toward the Prestige Vehicle list on the Forums).

I think this would offer a tremendous opportunity to attract new players to the server and make the Old Guys Gaming servers stand out in a crowded community.  Hopefully many of you will feel the same



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