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Raginwald Artor

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    70.00 USD 

Posts posted by Raginwald Artor

  1. Winter had fled from Spring.  Life returned to the realm, and with it, enemies.  I stirred from my pile of skins - a make shift bed - and realized that I had slept most of the day away. 

    The last few weeks had been bloody, complacency had set in like a pustule laden sore, oozing its filth across the land and tainting those that touched it.  It had begun with the weak,  and I had butchered some for nothing other than the crime of ignorance.  Some had fled - a particularly belligerent example had skulked off shore without a word, others had entertained a brief flirtation with piety - finding comfort in their gods in the face of my wrath, and then vowing silence when their exhortations for others to punish me went unheeded and they realized they were condemned. 

    I had to chuckle at that - often the loudest bark comes with the weakest bite.

    Their land lies hollow, barren and withering - a monument to self-aggrandisement and ignorance.

    Inconsequential in the grand scheme, I had had other matters to occupy myself.  I had been called to take to the sea, a mission of the utmost importance called me away to distant lands the horrors of which would haunt me to my last day.  Upon my return, I quickly realized that my warnings to remain vigilant had gone unheeded, with walls left unfinished, gates unbarred and attentions dulled.

    I played the role of rage and fury fuelled berserker - but it masked ironclad resolve.  These people would become strong, I was willing to pay any cost. 

    So I hunted, and I cleaved, and I drenched myself in blood. Heads hung from my belt, and were heaped with the rest. 

    Some froze in terror, others fled to the water.

    A few tried to fight, they died with their wounds to the front. 

    One actually landed a blow, I nodded to them before I cut them down.

    They were all going to die.  None were going to survive a real enemy, even a mediocre enemy.

    Or so I thought. 

    The worst thing happened, the King in the South rode out.  The aggrieved citizens in the South, some of the more complacent, who basked in the protection offered by their liege, petitioned the King for aid, and so he answered.

    Though logically I could respect the sentiment, I also knew that this wasn't a fight he could win.  If he engaged me in combat, one of us would die - he was the only warrior worthy of the name in these realms, and I knew even a victory against him would leave me bloody and near death.  If he ignored my antics, then he'd appear weak in the eyes of this vassals, or at the worst - complicit. 

    I had hoped that the people of the South would have more heart then to run to their King at the first sign of violence, but it validated my opinion that the lands had grown soft.

    So The King and his Retinue hunted for me, but a large patrol makes a large signature in the lands, and so I evaded them easily.  A duel between the King and myself was not the answer, but the conflict I generated forced them to work together, to train, to become stronger. 

    So I evaded them - they circled my keep - still one of the most impregnable fortresses in the realm next to the Kings in the South - and we shouted proclamations and provocations. 

    My heart wasn't in it - this was not about dominance, this was not about diplomacy or statesmanship - this was about reminding the people of this realm that they have a responsibility to grow strong, independently formidable - and they have an obligation to look after themselves.

    The King - having delivered his edict - retired with his retinue, and I turned from my walls to my pile of skins and fell upon them to rest.


    After the night of bloodshed a raven landed at my window  and summoned me away - my obligations secret and not for the ears of decent people. I met a small ship on my Northwest coast, and rowed out to meet a larger vessel to carry me away on my task.

    I returned home after some days to a different realm - some things remained as I knew them, but the realm seemed, refreshed.

    It also rang to the sounds of steel clanging against armour, to the shouts and curses of the wronged and victorious and the thundering hooves of patrols.

    Old enemies had returned, their motivations their own - but a beautiful thing had occurred.

    Though the Renegades of Salvation had immediately skirmished with the King in the South and terrorized claims throughout the land, including those in the Northwest - the former Raider Nation - newly minted as the Tenth Legion had stopped them.  They had driven them from their lands, they had fought together - they had won.

    I sat back as we chatted - perplexed about the whole concept.  The Renegades, last I had recalled, were formidable - they had no chance against me in single combat - but as a pack I gave them the benefit that they'd bring me down.

    They should have slaughtered the Tenth's forces

    My presumption had been wrong - there WAS strength in the northwest - there was spine - there was power.

    Things were different.  If the Renegades continued to attempt to fight - the realm would strengthen, new bonds would be formed and new heroes would rise.

    I only hoped that these once peaceful claims in the Northwest would be able to survive - and I realized, at that moment, that I would help them.

    In as much as blood in the water attracts more and more predators over time - so to would violence in the realm - especially if it was not decisively concluded.


    I could be certain of a few things:

    I am a King no longer, the claims of the Northwest are free to decide their own fate - but they needn't fight it alone.

    I am no longer a Saint - and I have no desire to give solace to the oppressed. 

    Those truths do not prevent me from punishing the wicked and the corrupt, or reaping a bloody tally amongst the evil.


    In some respects I am no better than the wicked, and I know some will want a reckoning with me for the atrocities I have committed in the name of balance. 

    I welcome it.  If death is the price I pay for creating a culture of strength in the realm then so be it - though anyone who wishes my head will have to work for it.

    There are no words, edicts, decrees or provocations that will make taking my head any easier.

    In the face of true belligerence, violence and evil in the realm, I clung to the notion that those claims I preyed upon would see finally my reasoning - and turn their blades to the true enemy.


    I rose from my skins, I crunched into fresh apples and vegetables from my farms and moved to my armor and weapons. 

    Adorned for fighting, I turned to my gates - one hand on the bridle of Sleipnir, my warhorse.  He watched me quietly, knowing that soon he'd join me in battle again. 


    I climbed into my saddle - resting my Morningstar on my shoulder and waited for there to be blood in the water.




    TIER - 2

    OWNER - Nanook Snafu - AoA

    STATUS - Uncontested


    1. 20 May 2018 - completed
    2. 27 May 2018 - completed
    3. 03 Jun 2018 - completed
    4. 10 Jun 2018 - completed
    5. 17 Jun 2018 - completed (782 Flax Stems)
    6. 24 Jun 2018 - completed (75 Medium Repair Kits)
    7. 01 Jul 2018 - completed (214 Naphtha)
    8. 08 Jul 2018 - completed (1786 Lumps of Silver, 4 God's Favor)
    9. 15 Jul 2018  - FAILED (lamp posts destroyed)
    10. 22 Jul 2018 - completed (42 Thin leather, 120 Hanks of Silk, 357 Lumps of Silver, 312 Lumps of Gold)
    11. 29 Jul 2018 - completed (214 Flux)
    12. 05 Aug 2018 - completed (50,000 coins)
    13. 19 Aug 2018 - completed (625 Metal Bands, 50,000 Coins) - Double Load

    The dock was the only thing keeping our settlement going.  Its weekly supply runs provided all the essentials, and if the merchants had a particularly lucrative run, they would bring specialties from across the ocean!  The townsfolk would flock to the docks at the sight of sails, eager to see what they had.  That all changed with the raiders.  The Villagers gathered for the sails as usual, but instead of riches and good it was blades and blood.  The settlement was annihilated and the docks destroyed.  Merchant vessels stopped coming, and the people moved on. 

    Today, the remnants of the docks are ripe for rebuilding, and the lamp-posts a first stab at re-igniting trade.  Should they continue to provide a guiding light, any claim that can keep them lit will reap the benefits of regular shipments.


    • This Node is located in SOUTHERN HOOK - and contributes towards control of that region.
      • Good luck finding and securing it!
    • Every week (check the calendar) - this dock produces assorted supplies (literally could be anything!)
      • The type of resource that is produced may change, who knows what merchant vessels will deliver!
      • Tier 1 - 25,000 coins in value
      • Tier 2 - 50,000 coins in value
      • Tier 3 - 75,000 coins in value
    • Merchant Vessels will only deliver shipments if they can find the docks!
      • If BOTH of the lamp posts on either side of the dock are destroyed, the merchants WILL NOT deliver supplies.
    • Place "requests" for the merchant vessels!
      • Each Sunday - the GM will check the warehouse at each dock.  If there are any items in the warehouse, there is a chance that the merchant vessels will being similar themed items at their next visit!
    • Place a private monument over the gate way to "capture" the node.
      • the monument MUST NOT be larger than 4x4

    Good luck!



    TIER - 2


    STATUS - uncontested


    1. 13 May 2018 - completed
    2. 20 May 2018 - completed
    3. 27 May 2018 - completed
    4. 03 Jun 2018 - completed
    5. 10 Jun 2018 - not completed/mine collapsed
    6. 17 Jun 2018 - completed (67 Silver Ingots)
    7. 24 Jun 2018 - completed (67 Silver Ingots)
    8. 01 Jul 2018 - FAILED (Mine collapsed)
    9. 08 Jul 2018 - FAILED (Mine collapsed)
    10. 15 Jul 2018 - FAILED (Mine collapsed)
    11. 22 Jul 2018 - completed (29 Gold Ingots)
    12. 29 Jul 2018 - completed (29 Gold Ingots)
    13. 05 Aug 2018 - FAILED (Mine collapsed)
    14. 19 Aug 2018 - FAILED (Mine Collapsed)

    The hardy peoples of Southern Hook celebrated for days when they first struck gold near the edges of the oozing swamp in 1050.  The gold rush that resulted caused massive expansion in the otherwise undesirable location.  Euphoria turned to greed, which rotted to envy and flared to bloodshed, and Southern Hook was ravaged by conflict and the mine largely forgotten in the chaos. 

    These days, for those that can keep it open, the mine provides a modest influx of precious metals, enough to supply even a moderately sized group - provided they can hold it from rivals.


    • This Node is located in SOUTHERN HOOK - and contributes towards control of that region.
      • Good luck finding and securing it!
    • Every week (check the calendar) - this mine produces precious metals (gold, silver and maybe gems!)
      • The type of resource that is produced may change, who knows what miners will uncover!
      • Tier 1 - 50,000 coins in value
      • Tier 2 - 75,000 coins in value
      • Tier 3 - 100,000 coins in value
    • The Mine degrades over time, be sure to keep it open and reinforced,
      • If the mine collapses, the miners WILL NOT be able to produce any resources!
    • Place a private monument over the gate way to "capture" the node.
      • the monument MUST NOT be larger than 4x4

    Good luck!


  4. Good morning everyone, we here at OGG are delighted to introduce a new feature to our LiF:YO Server!


    In order to promote a bit more ownership in our regions - we are activating the first "resource node". 


    1. 10 JUN 18
      • updated node bonus language in para 6.
    2. 08 JUL 18
      • upgraded language in para 5.
    3. 18 JUL 18
      • upgraded language in para 5. "MODIFYING THE NODE"


    1. Search the map for these new resource nodes
      • A reply will be added under this post when a new node is activated.
    2. Control the node!
      • The storage will NOT be covered by a monument of any type
      • No Guild monument may TOUCH the PAVED area of the Resource Node (any violation will result in monument deleted or degraded)
      • Use RP to make outlandish decrees about the node (put them in the forums).
      • YOU MUST PLACE a private monument to "claim" the gate into the resource node. This is the only way and location that a monument may be used at the node. 
        • The private monument is the same as "capturing the flag" - in that it signifies that the guild the individual belongs to "claims" the node.
        • the monument will NOT exceed 4x4 - any violations will simply be deleted.
        • Once claimed - the "owner" will be noted in the resource node specific post.
      • Thievery, PVP, banditry, diplomacy, politics, war may all be used to "control" the node as well - be creative!
      • PVP
        • Normal Server Rules for PVP apply - with the FOLLOWING EXCEPTION
          • Siege equipment MAY BE USED on the resource node at any time.
          • If the node is destroyed that resource will not be available for 1 week.
    3. Contest the Node!
      • If your rival has a private monument down on a resource node you want - you may "contest" the node (if you can't convince them to give it up)
        • Within the "war" thread - simply make a post indicating you are formally contesting ownership of the resource node (must be at least 72hrs before the NEXT SUNDAY)
        • A GM will acknowledge the post and set a time for the FOLLOWING SUNDAY, when the node will be vulnerable (2hr window) - and place it in the calendar.
          • At the end of the 2hrs, whichever group clearly controls the node - will be declared the winner.
            • Anyone may participate - may the odds be forever in your favor.
          • The Loser's private monument will be deleted.
          • The Winner may then place a new private monument to "capture" the node.
    4. Every week (check the calendar) - each node will "produce" a quantity of its themed resource.
      • it is a free-for-all for the storage - all are welcome to it, provided they can get to it, threaten, manipulate, decree, politic, etc.
    5. Upgrade the Node - each tier grants MORE resources!
      • There are three tiers of resource node.
        • Tier 1 - No Wall.
        • Tier 2 - Wooden wall.
        • Tier 3 - Stone wall.
      • Each Node starts with  no wall - players may upgrade the monument to the next tier at their own expense.
        • An upgrade will be considered complete when the entire node is enclosed in a wall and the gate is upgraded. 
          • Mixes of tier WILL NOT COUNT.
          • If the perimeter is not FULLY enclosed - the upgrade will not be acknowledged.
        1. The original paved area of the node is the MINIMUM AREA that must be enclosed by the wall for it to be considered at a "Tier".
        2. Upgrading walls, adding towers, other buildings, defenses, traps, terraforming, etc ARE PERMITTED.
        3. Excess use of structures will be moderated by GMs.
      • A GM will acknowledge the upgrade in the Node specific Post (This Node is now Tier 1, etc)
    6. If a single claim "claims" all resource nodes in their region at the time resources are deposited, then they will receive a bonus deposit of resources at a trade post at their guild claim.
      • The guild MUST have a trade post building with sufficient storage to receive their bonus resource shipment. (no Trade post with storage, no bonus)
      • Each node MUST be operational (mine opened & reinforced, lamp-posts functional and active, etc) (at the time the GM refills the nodes on Sunday)
      • Owning a resource node requires a private monument to be placed over the "gate" to the node.
      • The bonus is a T1 shipment for EACH NODE OWNED IN THE REGION.
        • example - if you own both nodes in Southern Hook, you will receive an additional T1 shipment for each node in Southern Hook.
        • Southern Hook bonus:  T1 Dock (25,000c) + T1 Mine (50,000c) = bonus amount (75,000c)


    1. The intent is for each region to have up to three nodes - types of nodes and their resources are below (more will be added to this list - suggestions welcome!):
      • Gold Mine - gives gold ore
      • Silver Mine - gives silver ore
      • Iron Mine - gives iron ore
      • Herbalist - gives assorted herbs.
      • Animal Farm - gives  animals
      • Crop Farm - gives crops
      • Dockyard - gives assorted supplies


    1. Your feedback is very much needed - any suggestions will be considered and feasible ones will be incorporated!


    I hope you enjoy this new feature, its a chance to give groups the ability to control their regions more, and provide an incentive to players with some ambition!




  5. They abandoned me, they stood before me, spitting on our lifetime of loyalty and had the audacity to call me complacent!

    That smug bastard Targanoth and that flippant whoreson Knuk just laughed as I tried to reason with them.  They were merely the opening verses in a song of rage and hate and grief that I feel even now consuming me.

    Arc Talon just disappeared.  No word, nothing.  Just a note saying... “there is nothing for me here anymore”.  I still can’t believe that it was peace, the goal we fought and bled since the year 1050 to achieve, was what shattered my order of Saints.

    I remember only snippets of what occurred when Liana entered my hall, the note from Arc crumpled at my feet.

    ”I am leaving” she said.   No emotion In her voice.

    “Why?”, I whispered, I couldn’t get anything else out.

    ”because you are not a King any longer.  You are weak, complacent, and  soft.  You accomplished so much, brought so many to heel, forged the northwest into a legion and shed blood to defend us.”

    she paused, sighing.

    ”those days are done, you are an aloof bureaucrat, you’ve grown fat with your power and none in this realm dare challenge you.  You and Vivenji are kings of empty halls, rulers of docile lands.  You’ve lost your fire, you’ve lost your soul.”

    ”I cannot watch you deteriorate any further, there is always a storm coming, there is always another enemy waiting to take hold in our lands, you will not be ready for it, you will get all of the new peoples of the Northwest butchered for your hubris.”

    I spun on her, fury boiling in my chest, it was a new feeling, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to control it, if I could.

    ”You bastard whore!  I have crushed empires, I have spit into the eyes of gods.  I have stood shoulder to shoulder outnumbered and prevailed.  I have protected this land for a DECADE! Watched it grow and burn far too many times and you dare to call me Weak! I have given you EVERYTHING, always.  You turn my loyalties to ash around me.  Get out, begone, you are nothing to me now, and I cannot suffer your presence.”

    She chuckled mournfully.

    ”You used to be a leader, our Warmaster - but now, you are nothing but a custodian of empty halls, and, though it breaks my heart to say it....you are a coward.”

    I lunged, wrapping my hands around her neck - putting her on her knees and throttling her.

    ”You....DARE!!” The rage was burning, my vision darkened, I wanted to end her life right there, but I looked into her eyes and she was calm.

    I let her go, stepping back in grief.

    ”a coward....how?”

    Between gulps of air she levied condemnation that would change my life.

    ”because you lack the fortitude to do what must be done.  You did nothing but spout honeyed words when the Ynglings turned their back on your alliance, you do nothing to prepare the Northwest for the war that will inevitably come.  You merely sprinkle supplies and make them believe they will survive when you know they will not.  You are bereft of your nobility, you are hollowed out of your passion.  You are no better than Adri Firsprin was before the end. I mourn for the man you once were,  and when your end comes, and it will come soon, you will die on your knees.  I won’t be a part of that.”

    she levelled a Stoney gaze at me.

    ”You say we have betrayed you, but what I do now is the truest form of loyalty,  if you will not lead, as a King and soldier, then the Northwest will be better without you, and I will kill you.”

    my shoulders sagged.

    ”if you try you know you will die, you have no hope of landing a blow.”

    she held my gaze

    “I know” and she drew her blade and charged.

    her short sword arrowed for my throat, and i spun aside avoiding it.  She used my spin as a pivot, dropping her sword and arcing her pitchfork off her back in a fluid motion.

    i backed away, refusing to fight - she snarled,

    “Do you see, the horror of what is happening, the fact that me, your closest partner, would die to make you remember yourself, means nothing to you,  is there nothing in you that wants more than to walk these barren damned halls - I didn’t know you held Adri’s example so highly.”

    i avoided three more strikes in rapid succession, but her words staggered me as if they had hit. 

    “What have I become....”

    she spun her pitchfork and thrust, I had hesitated and 2 of the blades lodged in my thigh.

    I roared and drew my Morningstar, slamming it into her chest and smashing her to the ground. 

    It was a mortal blow, she lay on the ground coughing blood.

    ”You have just killed one of your own....look upon my ruin and  let it burn you.  See what I am willing to sacrifice for you, see the secret we now share.  I know there is a King in you somewhere, but you must earn the title for you have forsaken your oath to the people of this land.”

    ”you are a King no longer, you are protector no longer, you are noble no longer.  You are a Saint no more.”

    ”You have tried to make this land a paradise, but you’ve poisoned it with gluttony, the people have not known horror to enjoy their peace.  Be their horror, let them earn their peace through you.  You have lost your soul, and you have just murdered your decency.”

    Her breathing grew shallow, her eyes lost focus momentarily,

    ”you became a King because it was what was needed.  You must now be something more, because that is what is needed now - I curse you with this burden of responsibility, and my death on your hands your vow to fulfill it.”

    i looked up from where I had fallen to my knees...and she was dead.

    A clarion call of emotion burst in my head, grief, rage, isolation, hate for the people depending on me....and finally, resolve.  Resolve to do and become what is needed to remind this realm that the peace that exists is the result of blood,  and that for peace to mean anything, it must be earned.  

    I stood over her body, the finality of what I was about to do settling like dead weight.

    I screamed as I hit her body with my Morningstar for a second time.  Blood sprayed.  I hit her again, continuing to scream.  And again, repeatedly, faster now.  Each blow as like a thunderclap in my head, more and more of myself falling beneath a tide of red rage and iron detemination.  

    I hammered the mace into her body until I lost consciousness.

    The pool of blood was beginning to dry.  It had taken awhile to stop, the trauma to the skull of its source was devastating and I didn’t remember how it happened.

    I did remember the rage, the red mist that fell across my eyes.

    When I came to, it was to the sound of horses approaching my gates.  I must have sent Ravens in my fogged state.

    the claims of the Northwest had arrived.

    Proud, but ignorant, full of hope and ambition and faith in my decisions.  

    “I must become something more, because that is what is needed.”.

    They took seats, watching me expectantly as I stood there caked in gore with the slurried remains of my closest ally smeared into the marble floor.

    I thought to myself,

    ”liana  said I had lost my soul...so I will take the souls of the weak, the complacent, the arrogant and the wicked until I have filled the void in my heart or these people rise to become the defenders this realm needs and kill me”

    I will become The Soul Taker.

    Grimly, I stood from my throne, a King no longer and made my way to the entrance to the war room.  Only one way in and one way out.  I paused in the entrance and turned to face them and block the entrance.  They stood, puzzled.  

    Become what is needed, become the Soul Taker.  

    I drew my Morningstar.....and charged.




    • Like 1
  6. Good morning all - details for Sunday's event are below!


    The bow of the long-ship knifed the water as its mainsail caught the Spring Wind.  It sped off into the calm Northern sea, the last of its cargo unloaded - racing to join the rest of the fleet as they set out for the homeland.  Turning from the sight, Vidar - Jarl and leader of the Vanguard, turned back to his finished outpost - he surveyed the stockpiled supplies, mounds of currency and fortifications.  The beach-head was established, he and his Brother Kvasr had swept aside the motley crew of amateurs that had tried to oppose them.  He chuckled to himself as he recalled how they crowed when he allowed them to think they had bested him and his forces.  It had all been to buy time, and honestly he had needed to gauge whether there would be any need to assemble an actual force to deal with them. 

    They were nothing but sheep. 

    He had seen the scars of old battles on the land, toppled empires, failed coups - all of it just memories.  The remaining warriors, men he had hoped to face in battle, were old, uninterested in fighting him - they walked their hollow halls of faded victories and ignored him.  The "Kings" as it were - seemed to prefer watching the newly settled peoples in their lands stumble around being abused by his arrived raiders.  To what end he was curious - perhaps they would face him before the end - he was sure one had been present in the initial skirmishing, but had not played a pivotal role.  Admittedly Vidar mused - he had been busy pounding conscripts into the snow.   

    It mattered little.  With the newly arrived munitions, he had but to hold his outpost for the arrival of the main body of raiders and then they could burn whatever resistance could be mustered against him into ash.

    His eyes settled on the crates of currency, gems, ore and smelted ingots.  Perhaps he wouldn't even have to fight them himself - he'd heard rumours of treachery and deceit in this land - perhaps he could hire them to fight for him instead - they could butcher each other and defend his outpost. 

    He could then focus on his real objective. 

    He laid his hand on the pouch at his hip, running his fingers over the rolled map and tracing the words at its margins.  This was the true prize, the rarest of treasures, buried for millennia in a forgotten time. 

    He had to hold his outpost, he had to crush any opposition.  With his foothold secured, he could begin his quest for the true prize, the Royal prize.


    Full PVP event in the Wildlands (KOS)

    Event begins at 1700 EST 29 April 2018

    1. Event monument will be removed @ 1700
    2. Raiders will attempt to hold their outpost (players can help them)
    3. Anyone can work together or independently to assault the outpost
    4. Control the outpost, take the supplies, search for clues.
    5. Siege equipment is authorized - good luck.

    Beware of traps inside the outpost!

    Siege equipment is authorized to use on the viking outpost.

    Fight alongside the raiders - earn coin (1G) (and a maybe a clue about the "Royal Prize")

    Assault the outpost and take the supplies - be sure to search raider bodies (there might be a clue!)

    Turn in heads for rewards (1G per head)


    Hope to see you all out there - participation in this event is the only way to get clues for the location of the quest!

    Unlike previous events, there is a possibility that players will be killed in this one - come prepared!

    NPC Raiders have had their stats adjusted as a result of the increased lethality - their stats are that of normal players (the thinner air has sapped their strength, or perhaps the gods no longer favor them)

    May the odds be forever in your favor!


  7. Good evening everyone - please find below the details for an event taking place this Sunday, 15 April 2018.


    She gazed out over the bustling trader district, letting the smells and sounds of it wash over her and sweep away the tension in her neck from the day's business.  She wiped her brow, slick with sweat, and gazed up at the cold sunlight in the crisp air of a virgin winter. 

    She surveyed her work, horse-carts packed to the brim with, goods, wares, riches and currency for her journey, ready to do business with the hardy people of the North...provided she survived the journey.  The realm had never been safe, never been open for good honest people to trade - she intended to correct that, and in opening up trade routes in the North, usher in a new era of prosperity and bury even further the desolation and bloodshed of the previous decade.

    But she needed to make it to the North intact.  She had watched the meek and powerful sparring in the arena, she knew that there were heroes and warriors alike in the land, she hoped that when she loosed her Ravens, they would answer and assist her in her journey. 

    But the road is long, and the night is dark.

    Full of terrors.

    She needed to make to the North.


    Who.  Traveling trader will journey from the Trouble Peak Trader District to the Royal Charter Habadashery of THE SAINTS claim.


    1. The trader will periodically journey to player claims that have a constructed "Trade Post" building - provided she arrives there intact. 
    2. Once in location, a trade post session will be conducted, in the same fashion as at the trader district. 
    3. The Trader will hire escorts, if the escorts ensure she completes her journey out and back, they will each be paid 1 gold coin (worth 10,000 coins).

    Where .

    1. The journey will begin at the Trouble Peak Trader District, when escorts have arrived to protect her. 
    2. She will travel to the Saints claim, and conduct trade (if she makes it). 
    3. She will then travel back to the trader district, where she will pay her escorts if she has lived!

    When.  Event begins 1900 EST 15 April 2018

    Why.  For claims that build trade posts, there is a chance the trader will come to you!


    1.  Normal server rules for PVP apply.
    2. There MAY be bandits present - protect the trader at all costs if you want the trade post session to occur!
    3. Kill the trader and turn in her head at the Red Sands Arena for a reward of 50,000 coins (but the trade post will then not happen until a new trader arrives!)
    4. Loot the Trader's Cart - its worth the attempt!
    5. Kill the Bandits or drive them off - loot them for rewards!
    6. This is the first of these events, if you build a trade post, the trader will come visit you! 

    Any questions at all - please reach out!



    • Like 1
  8. Good Afternoon Everyone - I am excited to introduce to you the newly finished "Trouble Peak Trading District"


    We have completed work on the Trouble Peak Trading District, and now it will be open for use.

    How it works (Rules)

    1. Stay tuned to see when the trader is open!
    2. Bring your wares to the GM manning the trader.
    3. Exchange wares for copper coins! GM Prices are non-negotiable!
    4. Sell and Purchase goods!
    5. Hang out with your fellow people! Eat, Drink and be Merry!
    6. Participate in GM hosted events, or created your own using the facilities!
    7. Set up personal monuments on the ready-made kiosks, put your crates, carts, etc down next to them and conduct your own trading! Haggle!!
    8. Teach people skills at our schools, learn from those teaching!
    9. No PVP within the confines of the Trading District (normal server rules as soon as you leave the district)
    10. Open KOS (no RP required) WITHIN the Arena (on the sand) - only exception is if there are PLANNED EVENTS (GM or Player ongoing)
    11. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE (as loop holes are identified, or problems with prices are noticed)


    Currency System - We are introducing copper coins as our currency.  See the below graphic for the exchange rate - exchange almost anything for coins - including all that copper, silver and gold you've been hoarding!

    Giant Inventory - almost every item in-game is available to be sold or purchased.  See the inventory below!

    Player Kiosks - come set up a personal monument on one of our kiosks to run your own shop next to the GMs - do business any time, all the time.

    Inn - Eat, Drink, dance, talk with your fellow people at "The Dirty Dane Inn and Brewery"

    Schools - Make use of the school district while trading - teach your skills and learn from others!

    Arena - Use the newly constructed arena "The Red Sands Arena" for your own events, training, sparring, disputes, duels, etc - participate in GM Tournaments or hold your own!

    Jousting - Test your mettle at the jousting lanes!


    If you have any feedback for us at all, please don't hesitate to send us PMs, or post Tickets - we will refine this as it goes on.


    Take care and see you at the Trader, or in the arena!



    • Like 1
  9. **Be it known that on the 25th Day of March, in the year of our lord 1058, That I, Raginwald Artor - King in the North and Protector of the Northwest hereby declare the following**


    Following the hostilities of the recent days - it saddens me to learn that the Northern Alliance (Muss Nation//Renegades of Salvation//Knights of the White Rose) - have decided that they wish to use violence as their means of diplomacy.

    Admittedly, this is unsurprising, the language being floated via ravens is troubling, provocative and hostile on both sides of the various conversations I have observed. 

    I was content to tolerate the posturing as long as it didn't turn to bloodshed, but it has.  Whether this was wanted by both sides, or happened via a series of unfortunate events - at this point - is largely irrelevant to me.  I wish to formally confirm that I find this the saddest of circumstances.  The claims within the Northern Alliance are just forming, and it was never my wish to turn the full weight of my war machine onto this, I wished to build a peaceful community, that was prepared when a real enemy arrived. 

    A lack of patience, a lack of vision for the long game, and a lack of discipline have set conditions for this current situation.  The Northern Alliance is not a group that warrants this response.  Disorganized criminality, backed by volatile emotion and impatience have brought this about - I grieve for the losses about to be incurred, and I wish for the Northern Alliance to see reason, to come to the table, to make reconciliation and act like the mature, experienced soldiers and builders I know they are.  We had a chance to form an unbreakable chain of reason, moral authority and integrity against the true enemies, there was no need for one of us to become the enemy. 

    But, the time for such musing are finished - blood has been drawn, and beyond anything else - that is a fact.  This is the fact that spurred my analysis of the situation, find my decree below.


    These are the facts I have based my subsequent decree on:

    1) The Wild lands, through their actions, posture and language - have distanced themselves from what I thought was an unbreakable bond of alliance and support.

    2) The Wild lands have killed unaligned members of the realm, and adopted a hostile stance seemingly at whim numerous times since winter came and left the realm.

    3) They made overtures to myself and King Vivenji that they wished to back off from the violence, and re-adopt a status quo arrangement of friendship.

    4) Amongst the ruins of ENON REACH, the Northern Alliance demanded ownership of the piled spoils, and threatened death to all (allies or otherwise) if they were not allowed immediate and unchallenged primacy in taking the loot.

    5) Representatives of other claims in attendance, including allies to myself, and my actual Kingdom members, were then attacked by members of the Northern Alliance when they didn't accede to those demands.

    6) Two members of Guardian Angels were killed during this.

    7) The Guardian Angels, supported by their allies, including members of my Kingdom, retaliated.

    8) No restitution has been made for the killings, and beyond rhetoric and emotionally-fuelled vitriol, there appears to be no desire for a mature, calculated, peaceful resolution.




    I formally declare that from this moment forthwith, I dissolve all bonds of alliance, support and friendship with the Northern Alliance and any who are found to be supporting them.

    I formally prohibit any members of that alliance from setting foot within my boundaries, if this is violated, I will respond with an unhinged level of violence.

    I will unilaterally and unequivocally support the King in the South as he reconciles debts owed to him - this includes proactive operations into Northern Alliance territories in order to degrade their offensive capabilities to a point where they are unable to conduct actions against my, or my allies Kingdoms.

    I will no longer be entertaining dialogue with the Northern Alliance unless it is a formal request for parlay via the Alliances Forums - should that request be made, I will absolutely accept it.

    All members of the NORTHERN ALLIANCE (Muss nation and its satellites//Renegades of Salvation//Knights of the White Rose and its satellites) are declared EXCOMMUNICATE TRAITORIS from the Kingdom of the Northwest, and will be butchered immediately if they are found to have violated my borders. All members of the Northern Alliance, from this moment forward, are branded as criminals, and are authorized to be murdered on sight within my Kingdom.

    I, as of this post, authorize all members of the Kingdom of the Northwest and specifically those who have joined the SANCTUS LEGION to execute offensive operations against the above mentioned alliance members.  You will adhere to the server rules for pvp until such time as this progresses to war, or an agreement is reached with the belligerent parties.

    I will personally be leading operations against this alliance ceaselessly until they see reason, or are destroyed and forgotten.

    I have no capacity for mercy, and I seek none, I will eliminate the Northern Alliances ability to threaten this realm, and I hope as they are broken on the anvil of my resolve, they will see reason, and come back to the light.


    For Shepards we shall be, for thee my lord, for thee.  Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out they command.  We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

    In Nomini Patri, et fili, spiritus sanctus.

    The Night is dark and I am the terror that lurks within it.

    Deus Vult.






  10. Good evening all.

    There will be an event activated at 2100 EST 22 Feb 2018.  The event is located at "Pillaged Town" on the live-map.


    The screams from the villagers of ENON REACH faded as the roar of the flames consuming the buildings and bodies became a raging cacophony.  The crisping meat crackled and popped, while the raiders piled the loot from the town into the center of the square. 

    Without warning, the raiders, receiving a signal from their leader, formed up and rushed off into the night, leaving the town to burn and the loot, to sit.  The raiders had been about to detonate the loot pile to deny it to scavengers, but spoiled by having to move out, they left other nasty surprises for erstwhile looters to deal with.  The raiders took to their ships, plying the seas as winter turned to spring, leaving ENON REACH to its fate. 

    If any potential claimants were seeking to annex the resources of the town, they would have to contend with the raider traps, the burning buildings and rival groups seeking to claim the riches for themselves. 

    Only the strongest groups could hope to claim the supplies, but, as they say: The Night is Dark, and full of Terrors.


    1) The scenario is as above, but involves a loot pile in the center of town.

    2) At 2100 EST 22 Feb 2018, the monument protecting the loot will decay, leaving the supplies free for the taking.

    3) Normal server rules for PVP apply, RP during the day///KOS at night.

    Work together, ignore the loot, kill everyone, or ambush whomever wins - the scenario will be whatever the community of players make it be.

    Note - there will be no GM involvement other than to ensure the monument decays at 2100 EST, so it very much is whatever the players want it to be.

    May odds be forever in your favor.



    • Like 1
  11. This war is now considered CLOSED as of 0801 EST 19 Feb 2018.

    Fighting must now take place in accordance with the normal server rules for RP/PVP.


    THE GUARDIAN ANGELS are declared the VICTOR, their opponents THE LAST KINGDOM have abandoned their monument.


    24hrs from this post, the structures in the former claim will be classified as an inactive claim and deleted - until then they are free for looting/reclamation/annexation.



    OGG Staff

  12. I, Raginwald Artor, King in the North and protector of the Northwest solemnly swear my support and participation in this war against the miscreant, Utrid.

    I also formally introduce the Army of the Northwest, The Order Militant of the Kingdom of The Saints: The Legio Sanctus.

    The Vanguard of the Legion, my Holy Order of Saints, are included below:

    • Raginwald Artor
    • Liana Tian
    • Arc Talon
    • Asger Volnut
    • Targanoth Ironhide

    I also formally call to arms the allied settlements of the Northwest and request they pledge their support as I have pledged mine. 

    I swear this Oath of Moment, in the eyes of my allies, the King in the South and the dead god under the Northwest Mountain. 



    Raginwald Artor

    King in the North.

    In Nomini Patri, et fili Spiritus Sanctus


    • Upvote 1
  13. THE LAST KINGDOM has been notified of the war declaration and are aware of it.


    As of this post 1215 EST 12 Feb 2018 - the war between GUARDIAN ANGELS and THE LAST KINGDOM is now Live.




    24hrs starts for roster submission and ally declaration as of this post.  Each warring party/ally must declare their support for one side or the other and submit their roster in the thread Below.

    This thread will be locked @ 1215 EST 13 Feb 2018. Only Players whose names are submitted during the 24hr window may participate as part of the warring sides.


     - May the odds be forever in your favour -


    Sincerely - OGG Staff

  14. **Be it known that on the 24th Day of November, in the year of our lord 1057, That I, Raginwald Artor - King in the North and Protector of the Northwest hereby declare the following**


     I have no intentions of violence towards anyone on this realm.

    I have no intention of proactive action outside my Kingdom boundaries, unless it is in defense of myself, my people or my allies.

    I have always been reactionary in my blood-letting, and I will only ever draw my weapons in defense of my realm, my people and my allies.

    Those that take ANY violent action towards citizens in my Kingdom will be met with blindingly molten retribution.  But they will HAVE to take action against me, my Kingdom or my allies.


    God preserve anyone who makes that error.


    Recent conversation with our long-time ally The Renegades of Salvation has inspired me to reaffirm my, and my Kingdom's position, on both The Renegades, and the Wild lands writ large.

    The Renegades are my long-time ally.  I have fought alongside them and bled with them.

    I WILL NEVER be the one to break that bond. 


    Until such time as the Renegades see fit to annul that relationship, I will take no hostile action towards them or anyone affiliated with them.

    Even should that occur, I will take no hostile action against them or anyone affiliated with them until such time as hostile action is taken against me, my citizens, or my allies.  Should that action occur, it will of course, annul the aforementioned relationship.  If that occurs, it will be with a heavy heart that I react.


    I play the long-game, I know the sorts of vile filth that will inevitably infect this realm.  My attention is on preparing for them, the true fight, not entertaining rumor or starting down the path towards division.


    I hope my perspective is clear.


    Raginwald Artor

    King in the North, Protector of the Northwest.

    In Nomini Patri, et fili Spiritus Sancti






  15. Good morning anyone. Stay tuned in-game during the next 24hrs.  The GMs will be putting on an event.  It will be PVP oriented, with the chance for quite a bit of pillaging and looting! I don't want to spoil the surprise so come check it out!

    **The flames from the burning settlement of Birmingham curled higher into the sky.  As you move closer, you can hear the screaming of its population being put to the sword, and the cursing and whooping of whomever is killing them.  The sounds mesh with the beleagured lowing of livestock burning within their stables.  The flames can be seen for a day's travel in any direction and the horrible sound is a cacophony that echoes around Trouble Peak.  The heat coming off of the burning town is unbearable and keeps all but the hardiest investigators away.**

    **It is clear as you watch the town from the distance, that a force of raiders has infiltrated the town over night, murdered its guards and is butchering its settlement.  You can see the makings of a great mound of pillage and loot being piled in the center of the town, among the burning buildings.**

    **It appears as if the force is making ready to transport their pillage out of BIrmingham in the next 24 hrs**

    **Finally, the nature of the raiders has been revealed, sporting the devouring dragon over a red cross on a black field...the ruined Baroness Adri Firsprin and her thugs, returned at the head of a raiding mob, to invade the realm once more**


    Stay tuned in-game for today, the action should kick off this evening around 1900 EST.




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  16. **Be it known that on the 5th Day of August, in the year of our lord 1057, That I, Raginwald Artor - King in the North and Protector of the Northwest hereby declare the following**

    After due consideration - The Saints are unveiling new opportunities for citizens of the realm both new and old, small or large.

    Developments in the Northwest:

    1) Phase one construction of a Northern Road system is underway, with the Chief Engineer, Viscountess Liana Tian working ruthlessly alongside Master Tirithian, to bend nature to their will for the betterment of trade and travel in the Northwest.  The great Northern Road is truly a masterpiece of civil engineering.

    2) Her consort, Viscount Arc Talon - a masterful negotiator, and merchant, has completed both a school - to help pass on the vast archive of knowledge within the Saints Library, as well as a freshly stocked Trade Post - The Royal Charter Habadashery, just off the great Northern Road.  Come and study or buy our goods to sell to the God-blessed-Trader Tyberion.

    Future Plans:

    1) The ground breaking of the Northwest Village foundations.  Work is already underway to create a communal crafting area for the citizens of the Northwest.  This crafting area will feature communal storage, and crafting stations to enable perfection of any trade a citizen in the Northwest desires to learn.  All of this will be secured behind strong walls, that will be opened up on order for the citizens of the Northwest Kingdom.  You do not need to be a member of the Saints to make use of these areas, any free citizen of the Northwest Kingdom is welcome to use them during the operational hours.

    2) Initial road construction is being completed for a number of lots, large enough to accommodate the largest personal monument a player can own.  If new citizens are looking for a place to carve out their own little part in the Northwest, and benefit from the protection of the King in the North and access to the high quality crafting stations of the Northwest artisans - think about coming up to put your name on a lot - it will be a great start.

    3) Small claim settlement within the Northwest Kingdom.  If the small lots don't work for you - but proximity to the mountain stronghold does - think about coming up and laying down a guild claim within our borders.  On a case by case basis - the Saints are open to groups settling in close proximity to our fortress.

    4) The trials. Should you want to be a member of the Saints, and put down a small personal monument and bear our colours - ask about taking the trials.  The Saints have already decreed the 3 trials for our first initiate and should they be successful, we will bestow upon him our weapons, gird him in our armor and bestride him on of our Destriers to ride with us in defense of the realm.  Joining our order does not require you to join our claim - it permits you to fight alongside us, gain access to our equipment, and count yourself as "A Saint". 

    5) Training.  Nightly, the King in the North, Raginwald Artor - is hosting practice/live training duels at the fighting pit of the Saints.  No requisite skill level required - come out, chat, and fight.  Better to be prepared and never have to fight, then need to fight and not know how. It is not a competition - its an opportunity for anyone to accomplish whatever goals they have and meet members of the Realm.  Take advantage of it while you can. 


    Come to our mountain fortress to have a look - the only cost will be a practice duel with King Raginwald!



    Raginwald Artor

    King in the North and protector of the Northwest

    In Nomini Patri, et fili, Spiritus Sanctis

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