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Johnny Anarchy

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Posts posted by Johnny Anarchy

  1. so..  who else wants to be able to fly a kick-ass f-14??

    it's a less than 100MB download, either through a3launcher (which will auto-update) or through the steam workshop in two parts.

    FIR - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=366425329&searchtext=fir


    F-14 - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=537154025&searchtext=f-14


    take a look at FIR..  it's more than one aircraft.  we can have f-16's too....  


    let's get this to 20 likes so i can get @Dane's attention!!!  =)

    • Upvote 14
  2. first off i'd like to say that i LOVE playing on our A2 server (lately MUCH more than A3, which i've been neglecting a bit...)

    you guys nailed it... it brings me back to when i first joined years ago.  here's what i'd like to see, mind you that all of this is mere suggestion.

    raise the encumbrance level..  i'd like to be able to carry a bit more when building without being encumbered.  the amount you can carry is fine, but it'd be nice to be able to carry more than one or two walls without having seizures.  if we could eliminate the heart pounding effect when encumbered as well...  the screen shaking is kinda enough.

    a respect based vehicle sort of system similar to what we have going on Arma 3, with similar rules/regulations.  having things cost enough, but not enough to break the bank.  (ex - a titan class vehicle would lower you to super hero...  etc etc etc)


    regardless of what the powers that be decide to do with our A2 server, i'm confident that they'll only make it better.  keep up the great work lads.


    • Upvote 2
  3. regardless of which avenue we decide to pursue with this, i'm of firm belief that we (arma 3) have a few admins who are either AWOL, uninterested, or have plainly moved on.  before we bring anyone else on (if that's where this ends up going) i think we need to do a bit of trimming to our admin roster.  otherwise we end up with too many chiefs, and not enough indians.  yes, it will more than likely raise the question of 'why aren't i an admin any longer?'  the answer is simple, those people aren't here.  not to throw anyone under the bus, but there's a few of us who just aren't here.  i understand problems and life tend to rear their heads at the least opportune time, but that's why we've all agreed to put in notice when we're going to be on extended absence.  not trying to hurt feelings here, but there are more than a few people who just don't show up.


  4. i'm going to say no, and here's why..  i can state with confidence that i believe we (at least when it comes to A3) have more than enough admin support.  95% of the time, one of us is either on the server itself, in TS, or on the website.  if we could replace some of our current admin roster who are MIA or elsewhere, that's fine..(maybe even promote one or two of us to a lead admin status)  however, i think we have all the help we can handle when it comes admins/moderators in A3. 


    • Upvote 1
  5. 6 hours ago, NoPinky said:

    I have been playing here for a week or so, and I feel I can easily answer your question...

    Price - Too much; Capacity - Never enough; Armor - wont help; Weaponized/non-Weaponized - Doesn't matter... you will never earn enough respect to buy anything meaningful... but keep at it! ;)

    that attitude won't get you very far... 

    • Upvote 1
  6. love the suggestions guys...  keep 'em comin!!

    here's what i know pertaining to what you guys have put forth.

    bicycles - they spawn randomly, which i know can sometimes be in the middle of the road.. which leads to problems, because they're considered static objects/vehicles until a player enacts with them.  i think the most direct cause of action would be to do away with them completely, but that would also hinder new players who have no way of getting around.  something we can do a poll on or chat about for sure.

    spawn kits - trixie and random hero put a TON of work into these, so i'd hate to see that 'go to waste'.  i think maybe some revision of the kits themselves would benefit players.  granted the map IS full of loot, and it's not a difficult process to gear up, i think that doing away with them completely would be an error.

    static ATs - you're always going to run into players who 'exploit the system' with unlimited ammo, doesn't matter if it's an AT launcher or a Kamish.  i know that this topic WAS discussed at our meeting earlier this month, and we're working on that 'happy medium' level of play on a daily basis.  having said that and not knowing how to make arma NOT recognize statics as vehicles, we may be in-between a rock and a hard place.  something else we can talk/poll about for certain, but it would seem that the only way of eliminating people abusing them would be to do away with player usable static launchers entirely.  that would kinda negate the need for sales prices for these items, but i like where you guys are going with the prices..  they seem pretty fair.

    server notifications - i think having something pop up that says 'server rules are on your xm8' along with our web address would benefit all players, especially the newer ones.  as far as i know, we have something like that implemented.  once again, something that can be discussed.

    what i will continue to ask from you guys (a lot of you can ignore this..) is a little bit of patience.  troublesim has literally just finished his exams last week, and he's more than likely in need of some rest, relaxation, and decompression.  please don't expect results/changes overnight, when he chooses to do work on arma 3 is TOTALLY up to him or anyone else involved in that area.

    overall, i love the suggestions guys and gals. 

    • Upvote 2
  7. it'll be fixed as soon as possible.  reborn is no longer being 'developed', so all the updates come with the price of custom scripting and coding.. in spite of popular belief, that stuff isn't easy.. especially when you want it to work correctly. 

    troublesim has his final exam on this friday (05.26.2017) and has stated that he'll be working on it when he has free time.  all we're asking for on your end is a little patience, reborn will be back up and running better than before.

  8. i think it's a great edition...  noticing a lot of 'epoch-esque' stuff is either in or will be going in soon.  pretty sure we'll be able to utilize knives as soon as we can sort out the whole hot-wiring issue.  i think they should go on PvP regardless. 


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