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Posts posted by wareagle252

  1. I, Lord Tony of the Knights of the Southern Cross, Vassal to the King of the South, reaffirm and officially declare the Knights of the Southern Cross standing with the King of the South to vanquish and remove the stain upon the realm that is Utrid.

    I, Lord Tony and my knight Attilius Crixus will ride with the King and any declared allys.

    Be it known, Bastion Castle and the lands of the Knights will be welcome to any who ride with the King to any who need shelter, food, or rest.


    Lord Tony

    Knights of the Southern Cross

  2. I, TonyD, Lord of the Knights of Southern Cross, vassal to the King of the South, do hereby formally recognize the above edict and pledge the full economic and military support of the Knights of Southern Cross in the war.

    Be it known that the Knights of the Southern Cross shall consider the request of members of the Last Kingdom due to their lack of participation in crimes commited by their former Lord.

    Lord TonyD

    Knights of the Southern Cross 

  3. On this day, the 23rd of April 1057,

    I, TonyD, Lord of the Knights of the Southern Cross, declare myself a Vassal of King Vivenji Holler, ruler of Broken Heel and the Southern Counties and a servant to the people of said lands.

    As such, I swear to protect tue Crown and all peoples of the Counties from tyranny and oppression.  I will be fair and enforce the laws of the King and the Soutuern Counties.  

    Furthermore, Castle Bastion and the lands of the Southern Knights as bequeathed by the Crown will always be a safe haven for those seeking freedom and prosperity.

    I swear this allegiance before God and to preserve freedom and order until my last breath.  Legge e Ordine!

  4. I, TonyD, Lord of the Knights of the Southern Cross, Vassal to the King of the South, King Vivenji, request that "The Forgotten" be labeled as a enemy of the Kingdom.  On the 5th of April, 1057 at roughly 2200 at night, Joran Grimmson of "The Forgotten" attacked and killed fellow ally of the South, Utrid Ragnarson, Lord of the Last Kingdom after stealing his warhorse.  After ambushing Lord Utrid, the coward ran laughing from the lands.  "The Forgotten" have proven to be a enemy of all freedom loving peoples in our lands and should be labeled as the thiefs and murderers they are.  



  5. For those who werent online earlier the server wipe already happened.  After the data was backed up and a test on the serber was performed, when Jason tried reloading the database it wouldnt come back up.  So the server was wiped and you should have your poptabs and respect still bit bases and vehicles are gone.

  6. X8

    It was a simple enough thing last time to copy paste thier money/rep from the old database to the new one.

    If this was possible I think it would less harsh to wipe the server every so often and refresg.  Atleast to me that way all the hours I put in would atleast translate into something and remain carried over.  

    The trader zone unlock code and wipe after 48-72 hours of no movement i think would also help.  

  7. Also for the trader vehicles i think a couple days then cleared would suffice.  I think if bases are more expensive and lower end players wouldnt be able to stand up a base right away, they still need a place to be able to stage from while learning the ropes and may not get a ton of time to play bit a couple days would be sufficient to allow players to be able get a flagpole or find a location to park other than trader.

  8. I didnt know the mission loot was bumped up already lol.  I do like the idea of the loot matching with the missions and helping players knowing that they can expect a certain type based on the mission.

    As far as AI difficulty, I dont think there is a huge issue with it but while difficulty has been scaled with the more powerful and shinier stuff players have there is i think reducing resale would help a bit bit thats just me.  Because Your right, there does need to be a equal amount of risk vs reward.  The last couple days i played there had been less high end stuff from what i had seen compared to the lower end vehicles, that and the increased amount of AI infantry kicking out of the vehicles.

  9. I know I have only been on the server for a few weeks, but I figured I would chine in with my opinion and what I have seen.

    I play on a mid-lower range machine and normally do reasonably well considering the machine and fact that I am playing from a barracks in Korea.  That being said, I normally run at lower FPS than most everyone else with a higher ping.  Aside from the occasional server lags which is understandable, I have found the server up until about 3 days ago very playable, even with view settings moved to 2000m and object to 1500.  When the roving AI script was removed temporarily I saw very little in the way of improved constant FPS increase.  At central trader and around the power plant, which host high objects and constant movement in area by both players and AI, I expect normal FPS reductions when entering and loading the areas.  I have had very little in the way of game crashing FPS even in those zones.  I know everyone wants super high frame rates, but I agree that it seems like we are treating a wipe and reset as a "Fix All" when at best it will get a few weeks of relief with again gradually slowing down of FPS.

    One thing I have seen is the last two nights I have played (Korea) so I assume two days for you, is the increased AI riding in vehicles and spawning has made lag spikes almost game ending.  For example a AI bus coming down the road to power plant disabled kicks out 16 ai soldiers.  Jeeps are kicking out 8.  Now this is not a big deal in and of itself, but that itself from 600m away has turned the new AI into a prestige farm.  You can easily get 10-20k respect in a matter of a few minutes with the AI spawning with these high numbers.  Now if you mulitply the AI spawning around if players are clustered around the map, along with the missions, it will also create a large draw.   Without that AI present, even with all the bases frame rates (for me) were stable and playable, missions could be completed.  So I think there needs to be a balance.  Again I have only been playing on this server for a few weeks and not longer term like most on this, but this PVE server to me is one of the better ones because of the community and player willingness to help each other out.   As a new player, others were always willing to help out.  If things get alot harder to aquire and keep going, then people will be less likely to risk their toys to help out.  Yes some people have alot of toys and throw them around recklessly because they can farm more quickly.  So the question is, how can the economy be adjusted to support less toys or ppls willingness to just buy and hoard.  So how can you move ppl away from the main couples roads, reduce player base size and equipment.  I have a few ideas that I think would help bring balance and push people away from just camping central trader area.  For starters, atleast for me, running missions are more fun even if its a easy mission that a attack chopper does two runs on gets 5k in loot, I would rather do that then sit on the side of a road waiting for AI spawns.  But we do it because its more profitable to get that madrid or gorgon and sell it than run a mission.  And with AI's engaging ppl at 2k out and with ground spawns out of necessity ppl hang around central trader to work together.  

    1) Increase mission rewards to reasonable amount.  Give a good variety of missions if possible with scripting to say spawn couple easy, med, hard, impossible difficulty missions of players of all ranges can do something other than camp roads and build bases along trader.    Maybe lessen AI engagement ranges a little so players would be able to build away from trader and not worry about a generals fob 2k away blowing their transport heli up on lift off so they can courier loot to trader.  (For example a player uses a gunship and strafes a deranged doctors)  Between flight time, clear, loot, and sell players may invest 20-30 mintues.  But pay off is only 10-15k.  In that same time I can usually get myself atleast one higher end AI vehicle and make 30-40k.  If you lessen the amount spawning and the value missions will pull people away from camping get them spread out.  

    2) Less the amount of roving AI vehicles (high end wise) if possible with scripting.  Make it so people will want to run missions and push out from the central area.  

    3) If possible limit the amount of objects in bases scaling with the flag size to a certain limit.  


    1) As far as a vehicle cap this is my idea.

    Players can maintain the following:

    2 Heavy Tank/Vehicles

    4 Medium Tanks/APCs

    Etc, or just a cap on how many vehicles a character can own overall.

    This way the server could limit the amount that players can have at any given time, help make vehicles more valuable and make players choose their fleet, and allow them to continue to generate income without worrying if in a month or two other players who just spend everything they have is gonna get the server wiped and their work and hundreds of hours put in gone. But I also think that tabs should be able to carry over thru a wipe and as long a vehicle cap is in place then atleast people can remain somewhat invested in their continual gameplay instead of knowing they will lose it within a couple months.

    With scripting I am not sure how you can tweak the prestige system but maybe remove the crazy amounts of prestige earned by camping and farming AI and make that a additional mission reward. Yes I am seeing this from my point of view and not probably taking into account what most people think, but personally the most fun I have had is working with two other players as we strafed a mission site with gunships while ground players did their thing. I think just wiping the server is just applying a bandaid and isnt going to fix anything long term.

    I have also heard the idea of lease vehicles from traders. Say you lease a vehicle for a certain percentage of cost and as server restart the vehicle leaves. I cant count how many quads I have seen lingering around because when players die the buy one, drive to their body and leave it there. And again, not a script writer so don't know if this is possible, but maybe in certain areas create AHA's, or ammunition storage points with refuel etc. Almost every player base had these spread across the map with refuel, ammo, repair etc. If there were several areas where these were staged, maybe near trader zones, then it would be more practical as well for players to move away from central for decent support for what they area doing. Just a few ideas, sorry if I rambled.

    Just my thoughts


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