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Everything posted by SARGE

  1. Larcol this has been a busy day for the Devs, first DonkeyPunch updated through Steam and about an hour ago CBA pushed an update. So the server should be going back up now fully updated and ready to go. Thanks for posting your concern.
  2. I was just on FB and all seems to be working now, thanks for the report.
  3. Hello Spalding, I am just checking to see how you made out. You can download all the mods from the list I provided or go to A3 Launcher http://a3launcher.com/
  4. We are not using the CUP Terrains mod I will post a link of Mods we are using on the server here for you: http://old-guys-gaming.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=385 We use A3 launcher or the Arm3 Steam Launcher, your choice. Hop on TS if you are still having problems and ask for help. TS info: 4811 And by the way Spalding, Welcome to OGG.
  5. The pre-order is out: https://store.bistudio.com/products/arma3-apex This will be like Operation Arrowhead was to Arma2. New map, Vehicles, Weapons, and Gear. I have already pre-ordered it and should be out mid-year 2016.
  6. Use this area to put suggested Mods on the Exile Server, Thank you for your Suggestions.
  7. We now have JSRS3: DragonFyre 2.5 available on the server if you choose to use it below is link to download it: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27827 Here is the parameter to use with A3 Launcher: -mod=@DragonFyre2.5 Go to settings and put this in the Additional Parameters box and then click Save.
  9. This mod doesn't require CBA but only the signature key. It is an over 1 gig download on the client side and we will wait to see what the developers think.
  10. This mod requires us to also run CBA A3 which we have found unstable to run on our server, thanks for your suggestion.
  11. Let's keep this thread on course and free from what other players want and what they will do if they don't get it. Your suggestions are appreciated as long as they pertain to the game being played on the server.
  12. As Jaspoe30 has stated Balance is the key, and communication plus patience on our part is also an element to add to this conversation. There might not be an easy answer to this. The heavier armored vehicles were brought in because of the Helicopter convoy's and then those vehicles were used to take out the missions that pop up around the map making it easier and easier for the player base. The player base gets bored and they want more weapons and other toys and after that they are bored again. There doesn't seem to be an end. The AI get tougher we want more toys to combat that. That's fine but boredom comes quick and where do we go from there. To keep from being bored you as a player base and myself included must change the way we do things on this map with this Mod. It's a PvE server, which means we are in conflict with the environment. The AI should always have the upper hand and we need to figure out, adjust what we are doing, make a plan before going out to complete a mission and except the fact that we will most likely loose most of the time. We are not Kings with castles and lots of loot, but convicts on the run trying to survive. Now these are my thoughts and will welcome feedback.
  13. Server is now updated replacing ASDG Joint Rails with CBA ( updated CUP Weapons and both RHS mods. Go here for complete list : http://old-guys-gaming.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=385
  14. Thanks for the heads up. As soon as A3 Launcher post the update we will work on getting it updated, in the meantime don't update until we post the server is updated.
  15. Exile 0.9.41 is out check in TS before downloading and wait for server to be updated. http://www.exilemod.com/announcement/47-0941-clementine-released/
  16. (CJ)45 toning down is not required of you at anytime for yours is very constructive to the dev team. You are showing you care for not only your time on the server but also other players. Just remember that you were heard and that some of your suggestions were acted on right away. I appreciate you and all of the player base that comes forward with ideas to keep the ball rolling so to speak.
  17. http://www.exilemod.com/announcement/46-update-coming-next-week-on-tuesday/ Just to give you the heads up that this might be out this coming Tuesday. Use the Steam Arma3 launcher and not the A3 Launcher until the OGG server is updated. Changelog http://www.exilemod.com/topic/8609-preview-changelog-of-0941/
  18. SARGE

    Update RHS

    RamAthorn thanks for posting. When the server is updated we will post.
  19. http://www.exilemod.com/topic/8062-post-...ment-39201 RevaNplays shares this easy fix to undue this last update of the Arma3 on Steam. When the OGG server is ready to run the lastest Patch for Arma3 just undo the Beta option or opt out and the latest version will auto load.
  20. Hello Colin, I know how you feel and it can be frustrating at times, but this is why we encourage everyone to hop on Teamspeak so as to get the whole story on what is going on. Majority of the time before the server is restarted outside of the usual or scheduled restart times the Developers and those in charge of the server hop on Teamspeak and ask if they can do a restart for various reasons. Then a message is broadcast over the server to let everyone know that the server is going to be restarted. It is the only and best senario outside of being on Teamspeak at this time. Our Admins who are keeping the server up to date and running at times will notice something pertaining to the AI, crafting, vehicles,The Traders, or other aspects of the game that need immediate attention will try to implement an immediate fix. But not without our first getting a heads up and notice is sent out to other players on the server first. We as Admins not on that part of the Admin Team can and will help with any loss to you or any player on the server at that time because maybe your attention was elsewhere and missed the ingame message. This is why I encourage you or any player to hop on Teamspeak so we can address it for you. Thanks for you post Colin and hope to see you soon to help you with whatever you need help with.
  21. Please don't let my recommendations discourage anyone from putting your or anyone else's name up for those open positions. The names I put out there were only recommendations to get the conversation started and I don't have final say or vote. The important point to remember is to recommend someone who will best represent OLD GUYS GAMING to all who visit the server.
  22. I would consider CarlJ for the USA Lead player and maybe Baggio for the Overseas Lead player. But overall MadMax, Villi, and the others have been great stepping up to help others without someone asking them to do so. We need to have the new players jump on Teamspeak as soon as possible, that would help everyone.
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