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Everything posted by Andy55411

  1. I found a good a balance of difficulty and that is having the npc's set to normal. here's a good example of why this would be a good change, I was working on taking a town back, took out a couple, sat in that house for a good bit, then decided to move to the stairs, sat crouched at the top of the stairs, heard foot steps, waited for a good bit, then finally a guy ran in to my line of sight just outside in the street, soon as he appeared I was dead, this is what I call I was aimboted by the npc because of the reaction time and laser like accuracy. on normal I found there's a short delay between you firing and them responding, turn towards you then the delay between that of them shooting to simulate, they know the shot came from the right, look to the right to look for the shooter, then they engage, this is way more fun then being aimboted. another example, I was in my pawnee attempting to take a gear crate, noticed I was taking fire, assuming there was one guy left (from the sounds of it), first thing came to mind, get low get fast to evade, based of my movement I was going about 120-150km/r and climbing, not flying in a straight line (I knew that would be a bad idea), every few shots was hitting my helicopter, another example of that laser/aimbot accuracy. I love everything about the server except this one issue
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