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Posts posted by Denna

  1. Scenario:

    The scent of blood could be detected from the highest reaches of the stadium, as it soaked the sand. The smell of feces is almost as bad, the blood soaked and wound ridden bodies are all over the area as servants move back and forth carrying the bodies to a cart to be wheeled off, while another cart filled with sand is used to cover the blood up so as to prevent the next warriors from slipping on the blood soaked sand.

    The emperor rises as the last few shovels of sand is spread and the last cart carrying bodies departs, and raises his hands, as the clamor from the crowd fades to silence. Once the silence is so deafening that a single pin dropping on a sheet of metal could be heard by all. He proclaims in a thunderous voice as it reverberates through the arena. “Men and women of these realms, i warn you, the battles previously were merely for entertainment of all, the real battle is about to begin!” He lowers his hands and waves it across the arena towards all of the spectators.

    “The real battle will be a battle of only the finest slaves, found all across the realm, the warriors it took many times their number to subdue. The bandits who could not be killed and only captured! The band of warriors who would only submit because they faced a massively overwhelming force.” The emperor snaps his fingers, and a servant hauling a cart filled with a massive pile of coin, a very fine set of armor and an exquisite looking weapon along with other things, comes walking out and parades the cart around before moving back inside. “The winner of this tournament will receive this prize, along with HIS FREEDOM!” Raises his hand triumphantly and the crowd begins screaming. “LET THE WARRIORS BEGIN THEIR BLOOD THIRSTY VENTURE FOR FREEDOM!!!!” He roars, and the crowd begins frantically screaming in pursuit of his words.

    The gates   raise and groups of slaves bearing separate markings on their armor begin walking through the gate frantically looking around at their competitors along with gawking in awe at the stadium around them. A hush befalls, and the emperor holds out his hand, and slowly extends his thumb towards the ground, and one of the slaves immediately rears his hand axe back and releases it with all of his might at the nearest opponent.



    1. On Sunday, December 22 at 8:00pm EST, Participants will arrive at the arena in the trade district no later than 10 minutes after the start of the event.

    2. First event will be a team fight 4v4 (groups may self-identify)

    3. Second event will be 2v2 (pairs may self identify, GM will pair up leftovers)

    4. Third event will be a 1v1 meat grinder. Players will be paired randomly. The victor will remain in the arena with no opportunity of healing, besides bleeding wounds and broken bones. The first participant to win 3 fights consecutively will win the prize. If no player wins 3 consecutive rounds, the player with the highest number of consecutive wins will be the ultimate victor. If there is a tie, the two players will battle each other for the ultimate victory.



    1. There will be blood! Normal pvp rules apply

    2. No looting! There is no looting of tombstones allowed (Any player who loots will be kicked and disciplined)

    3. Arm yourself! Bring any weapons you would like, and any T1 or T2 armors (Skins removed).

    4. No alchemy! Potions, preps and poisons are not allowed.

    5. All that glitters! All prizes will be handed out at the end of the event. If you wish to have your prizes delivered to your claim to avoid an attack, you're welcome to ask the GM.



    Rewards for the 4v4 bracket

    • 1x Q80 weapon of choice

    • 1x Q80 set of T2 armor of choice

    • 15x gold coins

    Rewards for the 2v2 bracket

    • 1x Q90 weapon of choice

    • 1x Q90 set of T2 armor of choice

    • 25x gold coins

    • 1x building kit choice of region

    • 24x 100Q flux

    Rewards for the 1v1 meat grinder

    • 1x 100Q weapon of choice

    • 1x q80 t3 armor set of choice

    • 50x gold coins

    • 2x building kit choice of region

    • 60x 100Q flux

    • An armor stand placed on the outer edge of the arena with the warriors name, to be recognized for all time.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Scenario:

    The ship rocked to and fro on the choppy blue waters below. Anxious vikings paced back and forth, their scratched and worn armor was shining in the sun. It had been a long journey, and their blades were thirsty for blood. They had heard of this mysterious land before. Their ancestors before them had once pillaged this land. It had been rich in resources and blood. Over time the land had become barren and lifeless. Many years had passed since then, and a rumor had flown on the wind to the ears of their king. Life was becoming rich there once more. The mountains had replenished their resources, animals roamed the lands in plenty, and settlers had returned. Now was the time to strike! Their ship was filled with supplies, enough to begin their new home in these fresh new lands. "Land!" The forward scout shouted. The captain stood and quickly moved to the bow. Peering through narrowed eyes at the shadow of land ahead, he shouted to the crew, "Greida (Make ready)...Today we bring fear...Today we fill our hold with riches of this new land." The warriors gripped their sword hilts as heat rose from chest to brow and in unison replied, "Odin owns you all."



    1. At 4pm EST on Sunday, December 15, 2019 a group of viking raiders will arrive on a ship.

    2. Players will be given clues as to the location of the raiders.

    3. Your objective is to defeat the raiders and loot their ship. 

    4. The GMs will not be policing the loot, that is up to the players!

    5. There's not just loot INSIDE the ship, but ON TOP of it too! You will have to figure out a way to get the loot on top of the ship.



    1. There will be blood! Normal pvp rules will apply

    2. The NPCs will have 150 stats. They will be clad in armor, blade and blunt weapons, and loot!

    3. There may be multiple waves of fighting off raiders

    4. If players contest the sharing of loot, you may have to fight off other players!

  3. Scenario:

    As the days and nights grew colder, there was a feeling of the holiday spirit in the air. Silent snow flakes began to descend from the sky, covering the land in a clean, white blanket. Villagers would happily prance about the forest with their families to bring home a Christmas tree, and decorate it with hand-made ornaments and candles. Wreaths were placed on front doors, and stockings were hung by the fire with care. The children were brimming with excitement for the Gods to bring them gifts, and fill their homes with much cheer. Hopefully their mothers and fathers were up to the tasks ahead to bring their family a Merry Christmas!



    1. Starting on December 14th, each day the Gods will be placing a decorated chest of an item of random quality in a random location for players to find.

    2. Once you find the item in question, send a picture of your character with the item at the chest location to a GM, or post a picture on this thread (Picture must be at the chest location to ensure people are not taking multiple items to other players). Please write your name and guild name in the post or message.

    3. Pictures and written clues will be given for each item's location. More clues will be given in the beginning, and fewer and fewer will be given as the days go on. The gifts will also increase in value the closer to Christmas it gets.

    4. If a GM is not online at the time you find the item and post it, a barrel will be delivered with your gift inside to your claim.

    5. The last day of the event will be December 25th. All items placed will stay there for the duration of the event. Any past items can be turned in at anytime for a gift.



    1. There could be blood! Because items will be placed all around the land, players are permitted to pvp at chest locations.

    2. Be honest! Each player must individually find the chest and post their own photo. If the photo is not at the chest location, then no gift will be given.

    3. One per person! Only one gift will be given per person. Alt characters are not eligible to receive a gift.

    4. Only take one item from the chest to leave items for others. Players who take all of the items out of the chest to prevent other players from getting one, will forfeit all gifts.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Twice a week there will be objects hidden in out of the way places.   A picture will be provided and it is up to you to find them!  When you find a geocache, be sure to leave something behind for the next person to find! Please post a picture and brief description of your adventure in this thread.

    Happy Hunting,


  5. Scenario:

    The participants were at the ready, their hearts pounding, sweat trickling down their cheeks. The stakes are high, and there is only one chance. The players look at one another, some with mischief in their eyes, and some with terror. One player took a last glance at the map that was provided. So many places to find in a short amount of time...But the prize will be worth it!


    1. Players wishing to participate in the scavenger hunt will meet at the fountain in front of the temple at the trade district 5 minutes early.
      1. The event will begin at 8:30pm EST, July 28, 2019. If players are more than 5-10 minutes late, the hunt will begin without them.
      2. If players attempt to cheat by joining the hunt at a different start point, they will forfeit. Any late players wishing to participate, must begin by the fountain in front of the temple in the trade district.
    2. Players will be directed to a map with general locations of scavenger hunt items on the forums. The GM will begin the hunt, and players are then free to collect as many scavenger hunt items as possible within the time limit. Signal fires will indicate where an item is, and the item will be held in a chest.
      1. NOTE: If a player takes more than one item from each chest to prevent others from taking an item, they will forfeit the hunt.
    3. At the end of the event, the GM will end the event via green text on the screen. Players will have FIVE minutes after the green text to make it back to the trade district.
      1. Players will then present the items they collected to the GM.
      2. The players who collected the highest number of items will be ranked in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. All other players will receive 5 gold coins for their participation.


    • Blood Free! There will be NO pvp during this event
    • Theft free! There is no stealing of any kind during the event (Including horses)
    • Knock out! Players are allowed to knock other players off their horse, but once a player is on the ground, they are NOT to be knocked over.
    • No spirited horses! All horse and armor types are allowed except for spirited horses.
    • Not so easy! There may be obstacles along the path!
    • Any players that engage in pvp, steal, or knock a player over who is on the ground, shall forfeit the hunt.
  6. Scenario:

    The vikings paced back and forth in their small make-shift camp. They were humiliated after their defeat, and the loss of their precious outpost. Their king would be so disappointed...They must redeem themselves, but how? The vikings sulked in front of the fire. They were battered and beaten, but there was still some spirit left in them. They huddled together under the single fur they had left, as the snow closed in on them. Suddenly, one of the vikings spoke, "This is not over....We shall redeem ourselves....That outpost is ours!" Determination burned in their eyes. Over the coming months, their small make-shift camp grew. It grew into a proper base close to the outpost. They will have their REVENGE!


    1. At 8:30pm EST, Sunday, July 21, 2019, a group of vikings will storm the outpost, and protect their own base close by.
    2. The owning claim of the outpost MUST protect their outpost and be uncontested in the center of the outpost to keep it.
    3. Other players not in the owning claim, may attempt to take the outpost and/or defeat the vikings and loot their base.
    4. At 10:30pm EST, the GM will end the event via "green text" on the screen.
    5. Whichever group "controls" the center of the outpost area will be declared the winner.
      • The "winners" will be able to choose an outpost to template in.
      • The adjudicating GM will place a warehouse to act as the "outpost" and a horsecart for the owners of the outpost to drop off slaves for increased production. Note: We are implementing manual outposts that will run the same way as regular outposts (Manual outposts are being used because of the amount of land that real outposts take up).
      • The adjudicating GM will spawn in 4 80Q slaves to use for outpost fuel.
    6. If the objective area is still contested, the event will be considered a draw.
      • If the event ends in a draw, the owning claim will lose ownership, and there will be another event organized for control of the outpost site.
    7. Any player will have the opportunity to defeat the vikings protecting the viking base, and to loot.


    • There will be blood! Normal pvp rules will apply
    • Once more unto the breach! To "win" the scenario a claim/group MUST control the center of the objective area uncontested.
    • Incoming! Siege equipment is encouraged
    • Uncontested! One side must be unopposed (no enemy within the walled area of the objective) to be uncontested.
    • Contested! If there is still fighting, or enemy within the walled objective area, it is considered contested.
    • All NPCs will have full stats.
    • There may be multiple waves of fighting off NPCs
  7. Scenario:

    The scent of blood could be detected from the highest reaches of the stadium, as it soaked the sand. The smell of feces is almost as bad, the blood soaked and wound ridden bodies are all over the area as servants move back and forth carrying the bodies to a cart to be wheeled off, while another cart filled with sand is used to cover the blood up so as to prevent the next warriors from slipping on the blood soaked sand.

    The emperor rises as the last few shovels of sand is spread and the last cart carrying bodies departs, and raises his hands, as the clamor from the crowd fades to silence. Once the silence is so deafening that a single pin dropping on a sheet of metal could be heard by all. He proclaims in a thunderous voice as it reverberates through the arena. “Men and women of these realms, i warn you, the battles previously were merely for entertainment of all, the real battle is about to begin!” He lowers his hands and waves it across the arena towards all of the spectators.

    “The real battle will be a battle of only the finest slaves, found all across the realm, the warriors it took many times their number to subdue. The bandits who could not be killed and only captured! The band of warriors who would only submit because they faced a massively overwhelming force.” The emperor snaps his fingers, and a servant hauling a cart filled with a massive pile of coin, a very fine set of armor and an exquisite looking weapon along with other things, comes walking out and parades the cart around before moving back inside. “The winner of this tournament will receive this prize, along with HIS FREEDOM!” Raises his hand triumphantly and the crowd begins screaming. “LET THE WARRIORS BEGIN THEIR BLOOD THIRSTY VENTURE FOR FREEDOM!!!!” He roars, and the crowd begins frantically screaming in pursuit of his words.

    The gates   raise and groups of slaves bearing separate markings on their armor begin walking through the gate frantically looking around at their competitors along with gawking in awe at the stadium around them. A hush befalls, and the emperor holds out his hand, and slowly extends his thumb towards the ground, and one of the slaves immediately rears his hand axe back and releases it with all of his might at the nearest opponent.



    1. On Sunday, July 14 at 5:30pm EST, Participants will arrive at the arena in the trade district no later than 10 minutes after the start of the event.

    2. First event will be a team fight 4v4 (groups may self-identify)

    3. Second event will be 2v2 (pairs may self identify, GM will pair up leftovers)

    4. Third event will be a 1v1 meat grinder. Players will be paired randomly. The victor will remain in the arena with no opportunity of healing, besides bleeding wounds and broken bones. The first participant to win 3 fights consecutively will win the prize. If no player wins 3 consecutive rounds, the player with the highest number of consecutive wins will be the ultimate victor. If there is a tie, the two players will battle each other for the ultimate victory.



    1. There will be blood! Normal pvp rules apply

    2. No looting! There is no looting of tombstones allowed (Any player who loots will be kicked and disciplined)

    3. Arm yourself! Bring any weapons you would like, and any T1 or T2 armors (Skins removed).

    4. No alchemy! Potions, preps and poisons are not allowed.

    5. All that glitters! All prizes will be handed out at the end of the event. If you wish to have your prizes delivered to your claim to avoid an attack, you're welcome to ask the GM.



    Rewards for the 4v4 bracket

    • 1x Q80 weapon of choice

    • 1x Q80 set of T2 armor of choice

    • 10x gold coins

    Rewards for the 2v2 bracket

    • 1x Q90 weapon of choice

    • 1x Q90 set of T2 armor of choice

    • 20x gold coins

    • 1x building kit choice of region

    • 24x 100Q flux

    Rewards for the 1v1 meat grinder

    • 1x 100Q weapon of choice

    • 1x q80 t3 armor set of choice

    • 35x gold coins

    • 2x building kit choice of region

    • 60x 100Q flux

    • An armor stand placed on the outer edge of the arena with the warriors name, to be recognized for all time.



  8. Scenario:

    The night is dark and the dockyards are bustling.  A lone ship approaches the jetty and docks.  A man wearing exquisitely tailored clothing, gaudy in its ostentation steps off the hastily extended gangplank and surveys the area.  He pauses to inquire of the dock workers and hangers on that crowd him while gesturing for the help to have his cart moved from his ship.  His menials harness a beautiful stallion to the cart and he begins his sauntering journey into these new lands.  As he begins to move, the cart rocks on the uneven joint between dock and land and sets the cargo to clanging and jostling.  The man snorts, annoyed, before spurring the horse to carry on.  He doesn't notice that one of the restraining ropes has broken free, and the concealing tent flap briefly reveals the warm golden light of luxury goods and the finest ores and equipment money, and influence, can buy.  The exposure is brief, but those who see gawp in awe, imagining what further riches could be concealed inside.



    1. On July 13, 2019 at 7pm EST, the traveling trader will arrive in the trade district.

    2. The traveling trader will be selling a large variety of items from all over the world! You simply ask the trader if he possesses the items you seek, and pay him with gold, silver, and copper coins (Most items and qualities will be available with some exceptions).

    3. If players are looking to buy a large number of items (Such as shaped granite), they need to bring their own carts to the trader.

    4. at 9pm EST the trader will pack up his wares and head home.



    1. Blood Free! There will be NO pvp during this event (In the trade district)

    2. Theft free! There is no stealing of any kind during the event (In the trade district)

    3. Vulnerable! Once you leave the safety of the trade district roads inside the gates, you are vulnerable to attack and theft!

    4. If a player engages in pvp or theft in the trade district, they will be disciplined.


  9. Scenario:

    The horses huffed and stamped in their stable pens. They were restless. Their riders were the same. Pacing back and forth, their bodies full of energy and anticipation. Today was the day. They have been training for months for this race, and the day was finally here. The race will take them all over the land, from the northern mountains, to the southern coast. Whomever wins this race shall be engulfed in glory and riches. The road would not be easy, and the competitors may be ruthless. But today is the day....for GLORY!!


    1. Players wishing to participate in the long-distance horse race will meet at the fountain in front of the temple at the trade district 5 minutes early.
      1. The event will begin at 5:30pm EST, July 7, 2019. If players are more than 5-10 minutes late, the race will begin without them.
      2. If players attempt to cheat by joining the race at a different start point, they will forfeit. Any late players wishing to participate, must begin by the fountain in front of the temple in the trade district.
    2. Signal fires and torches will be placed along the track throughout the race.
    3. There will be a number of check points along the way. When you come to a check point, you must retrieve an item from the chest, before continuing on your way!
      1. NOTE: If a player takes more than one item from each chest to prevent others from taking an item, they will forfeit the race.
    4. The first person to cross the finish line at the trade district with ALL of the checkpoint items will win the race! The winner shall receive the gold prize package. Second place, and third place winners will also receive silver and bronze prize packages. All participants shall receive 5 gold, and an alignment reset if they wish.


    • Blood Free! There will be NO pvp during this event
    • Theft free! There is no stealing of any kind during the event (Including horses)
    • Knock out! Players are allowed to knock other players off their horse, but once a player is on the ground, they are NOT to be knocked over.
    • No spirited horses! All horse and armor types are allowed except for spirited horses.
    • Not so easy! There may be obstacles along the path!
    • Any players that engage in pvp, steal, or knock a player over who is on the ground, shall forfeit the race.
  10. Scenario:

    Blood and sweat littered the land before the Forge outpost. The bodies lay rotting in the sun and rain. Many had fought valiantly to win the precious resources, but none had prevailed. A spy had infiltrated the outpost while a formidable guild thought the battle was won. Little did they know, a spy lay hidden and kept the ownership from being claimed. Now the outpost has once more been taken by vikings from across the sea. Who shall put forth their valor and bravery to once more war with vikings and fellow members of the land? The battle must be fought, and the reward shall pay them for their blood. The vikings await you...


    1. A specified space in the forge region will be built to house the forge outpost. A monument will be placed on the area until the start of the event.
    2. At 5pm EST, June 30, 2019, the monument protecting the outpost area will be deleted.
    3. Players are then free to move to and control the objective.
    4. At 7pm EST, the GM will end the event via "green text" on the screen.
    5. Whichever group "controls" the center of the outpost area will be declared the winner.
      • The "winners" will be able to choose an outpost to template in.
      • The adjudicating GM will place a warehouse to act as the "outpost" and a horsecart for the owners of the outpost to drop off slaves for increased production. Note: We are implementing manual outposts that will run the same way as regular outposts (Manual outposts are being used because of the amount of land that real outposts take up).
      • The adjudicating GM will spawn in 4 80Q slaves to use for outpost fuel.
    6. If the objective area is still contested, the event will be considered a draw.
      • If the event ends in a draw, no outpost may be built, and there will be another event organized for control of the outpost site.


    • There will be blood! Normal pvp rules will apply
    • Once more unto the breach! To "win" the scenario a claim/group MUST control the center of the objective area uncontested.
    • Incoming! Siege equipment is encouraged
    • Uncontested! One side must be unopposed (no enemy within the walled area of the objective) to be uncontested.
    • Contested! If there is still fighting, or enemy within the walled objective area, it is considered contested.
    • One NPC will have full stats. The others will have 200 stats
    • There may be multiple waves of fighting off NPCs
  11. Scenario:

    The outpost was the only thing keeping our settlement going.  Its daily production provided all the essential wealth to pay the merchant fleets, and if the merchants had a particularly lucrative run, they would bring specialties from across the ocean!  The townsfolk would flock to the outpost docks at the sight of sails, eager to see what they had.  That all changed with the raiders.  The Villagers gathered for the sails as usual, but instead of riches and good it was blades and blood.  The settlement was annihilated and the outpost and its dock destroyed.  Merchant vessels stopped coming, and the people moved on. 

    Today, the remnants of that outpost are ripe for rebuilding, and the fortifications securing it a first stab at re-igniting trade.  Should the outpost become active, any claim that can keep it operational and protected will reap the benefits of its slave-fueled production.


    1. A specified space in the forge region will be built to house the forge outpost. A monument will be placed on the area until the start of the event.
    2. At 9pm EST, June 23, 2019, the monument protecting the outpost area will be deleted.
    3. Players are then free to move to and control the objective.
    4. At 11pm EST, the GM will end the event via "green text" on the screen.
    5. Whichever group "controls" the center of the outpost area will be declared the winner.
      • The "winners" will be able to choose an outpost to template in.
      • The adjudicating GM will place a warehouse to act as the "outpost" and a horsecart for the owners of the outpost to drop off slaves for increased production. Note: We are implementing manual outposts that will run the same way as regular outposts (Manual outposts are being used because of the amount of land that real outposts take up).
      • The adjudicating GM will spawn in 4 80Q slaves to use for outpost fuel.
    6. If the objective area is still contested, the event will be considered a draw.
      • If the event ends in a draw, no outpost may be built, and there will be another event organized for control of the outpost site.


    • There will be blood! Normal pvp rules will apply
    • Once more unto the breach! To "win" the scenario a claim/group MUST control the center of the objective area uncontested.
    • Incoming! Siege equipment is encouraged
    • Uncontested! One side must be unopposed (no enemy within the walled area of the objective) to be uncontested.
    • Contested! If there is still fighting, or enemy within the walled objective area, it is considered contested.
    • One NPC will have full stats. The others will have 200 stats
    • There may be multiple waves of fighting off NPCs
  12. Scenario:

    An abandoned mine shaft lay forlorn and decrepit in the mountain depths. Deep in the mine, something stirred in the dark. Something has awakened. A creature that should have met it's end long ago. It waited in slumber for hundreds of years. One drizzly day, a young worker began mining on the surface of the same mountain. With each swing of the pickaxe, the blow echoed and rumbled in the deep stretches of the mine. The lowly worker had no knowledge of what lay in the deep, and what he had awakened.

    The creature rose from it's slumber and let out a piercing and rumbling growl. The mine vibrated. The stench from the creatures mouth invaded the mine, and exited out of the entrance. Any who dared to come too close would retch as soon as the scent hit them.

    The creature in the deep had one mission that began in it's infancy. Protect the hoarded treasure at all costs, and slay all those who come near. The bounty that the creature had collected was vast, and he would not relinquish a single gem from his hoard easily. In the depths of the mine he waited.

    The stench that billowed from the mines attracted all kinds of predatory creatures to help protect the creatures precious treasure. Bears, wolves, boars, and even a viking or two...who dares to challenge the creature in the deep?



    1. There will be a mine labyrinth, or maze, where treasure is buried. It is your mission to defeat the creatures that protect the mine, and to acquire the loot.

    2. At 9pm EST on June 16th, 2019 Players will be given clues as to the location of the mine.

    3. Players will be faced with animals, NPCs, and other players in and around the mine.

    4. The event will officially end at 11pm EST. The event may end earlier if NPCs and animals have been killed, and all of the treasure has been looted.



    1. There will be blood! Normal pvp rules will apply

    2.  One NPC, "The creature in the deep" will have full stats. The others will have 200 stats.

    3. NPCs will be clad in armor, blade and blunt weapons, and loot!

    3. There may be multiple waves of fighting off raiders and animals

    4. If players contest the sharing of loot, you may have to fight off other players!

  13. Scenario:

    The land was fraught with tension and hostility. Betrayal, frustration, and spilt blood became a common occurrence. The Gods contemplated, "How do we ease the tension and toil that rage through the land?" As they surveyed the souls beneath them, they knew what must be done. "A great battle between the factions should tidy things up nicely." One God thought. As each group prepared for battle, the blood lust continued to grow, and boil. It will all boil over on the field...



    1. A number of camps with minimal defenses will be set up in the field east of the trade district.

    2. At 9pm EST on June 9th, 2019 Players will meet at the trade district and choose an idol to represent their faction

    3. Players will then head to the east field and find their chosen idol that will represent their starting camp.

    4. Players will have 30 minutes to build up any fortifications they wish

    5. After 30 minutes, factions are free to attack other camps until the end time of 11pm EST.

    6. The objective is to control as many camps as possible, uncontested, by the end time.

    7. Each camp that your group controls by the end will be rewarded a nice bounty



    1. There will be blood! Normal pvp rules will apply

    2. Incoming! Siege equipment is encouraged

    3. Uncontested! Each camp must be unopposed (no enemy within the walled area of the objective) to be uncontested.

    4. Contested! If there is still fighting, or enemy within the walled objective area, it is considered contested. 

    5. If there is a lack of fighting occurring between factions, NPCs may be deployed with 150 stats

    6. If a player dies during the event, they can rejoin at anytime during the event time period.

    • Like 1
  14. Scenario:

    Standing at his post, senses keen for any movement or sound beyond the camp, the guards ears still echo beating drums and cracks of whips from a hurried journey at sea.  Three ships heavy laden with weapons, supplies and materials driven hard by their captains.  “SKYNDA!! (hurry)” they bellowed as whips drew across the backs of slaves.  No warrior was called to row for the captains ordered them pray to the God Tyr for courage and Odin and Thor for speed and might.

    It seemed strange to have so many slaves on board.  As one fell from exhaustion they were tossed to the sea as a sacrifice and another sat at the ore.  “they will all be spent before landfall” thought the warrior.  The ships took sand In the late hours of the night and with great haste holds were emptied and warriors dispatched to secure a camp blotted on a tattered map.  Taskmasters followed soon behind putting pick, shovel, axe and saw to work.   Throughout the night fortifications took form as tower and hut cast shadow from the setting moon.  The warriors paced with faces steeled and grips firm upon hilt and spear ready to join forefathers in glory and riches.   

    BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, the warriors head turned swiftly at the renewed beating of the drums.  This was not the sound of haste but the rhythm of WAR!!  Atop rock stood their Thane as he began to shout “VIL VALHALL!!!  VIL VALHALL!!!  As one the warriors replied “TYR!! ODIN!! THOR!!  “As the Sun rises so will this land FALL.  VIL VALHALL!!!” 



    1. At 9pm EST on June 2, 2019 a group of viking raiders will have built a base

    2. Players will be given clues as to the location of the base

    3. Your objective is to defeat the raiders, and defend the base until the time period ends

    4. At 11pm EST a GM will end the event via a "green text" message on the screen

    5. Whichever group "controls" the center of the objective area will be declared the winner.

    • The "winners" will receive an additional reward from the adjudicating GM delivered to their claim (if multiple 

                claims are present, they must elect a "winner", if no decision can be made, the claim with the most members

                 within the objective area will be declared the winner)

    •  If the objective area is still contested, the event will be considered a draw.
    •  If the event ends in a draw, no reward will be provided to contesting claims, and the only loot will be that

                 contained in the storage containers in the objective area.



    1. There will be blood! Normal pvp rules will apply

    2. All that Glitters! The storage containers within the perimeter contain loot, destroy them at your peril.

    • The "winning" claim will receive a reward from the GM.
    • The storage within the objective area will contain loot.

    3. Incoming! Siege equipment is encouraged

    4. One NPC will have full stats, and the others will have 150 stats. They will be clad in armor, blade and blunt weapons, and    loot!

    5. There may be multiple waves of fighting off raiders

    6. Uncontested! One side must be unopposed (no enemy within the walled area of the objective) to be uncontested.

    7. Contested! If there is still fighting, or enemy within the walled objective area, it is considered contested. 

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