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Everything posted by Hu5ky

  1. I think I found a good spot half way between the traders (Terminal - West Coast). About 800m plus from the nearest towns near a small building. Not sure exact location to place flag but WIP
  2. EDIT: Ignore this just realised - Drop Sling Load on airfield and drive it around building I don't know if this is possible and I appreciate that the server has not needed this yet but how hard would it be to add a 2nd Waste Trader out on the airfield in front of the Terminal ? I noticed that bringing in a Sling Loaded Helicopter could be a problem with players heading for the same location ( players who are not responding to invites/chat ) as there have been a few near misses between me and a few others. I am a noob and I realised if I am having a hard time bringing a heli into the trader then others may also experience the need for a 2nd trader. [ trying to being diplomatic and not using peoples names ] And X8 dont forget about the boat towing we talked about ( reminder )
  3. Mouse and keyboard are fine but I suffer from health issues that mean using a keyboard is painful and awkward I started stunt flying in Crimson Skies
  4. Already found out the Joystick is TOOOOO BIG for my hands Had to modify the hand rest so I didn't cause wrist problems ( modified by adding rollled up toilet roll paper held down by surgical tape ). Mapping the keys has been a long process - so many buttons.
  5. In general I was practicing with mouse keyboard cos I was impatient for this to arrive from Amazon: Been configuring this for the past few hrs - 20:00 to 22:50 So tomorrow (Saturday 28th April) I should be flying a bit better. Too old to be very dextrous with the keyboard+mouse
  6. OK thanks - need to get a temporary heli somehow to try to learn to fly on the server instead - I found it not difficult in my own lan server - maybe its the latency.
  7. I have been learning to fly using the editor/multiplayer at home/lan server. When i try to fly in the server I am finding it harder to control the heli is there some settings on the server that are not the same as what I am aware of ?
  8. Need more money for strider But this was very helpful thanks - I have been trying to google as much info as i can but what there is out there is very scant or written/videoed from a experienced players perspective so not much help for a total Arma noob - so far I have picked stuff up from watching lots of Youtube So far I park 2km from the zone of action then hoof it around the area to get good positions - love sniping but many missions dont offer much greater than 1.7km
  9. New Heli Pilot here. Been practicing for ages in the singleplayer and editor so I can fly a Helicopter but in a live multiplayer server this will become costly - already crashed one heli that was from a mission (thanks LooKNouT). Of course I am looking at a Lifting Heli ( Taru ) due to my first base I built being far away from the traders and towns etc. Another reason is that I have poor PC so I often dont see the obstacles like rocks/fences/bushes when driving and hit them a lot so being able to airlift to/from a mission is the sensible method. Currently I have also been blown up several times by that Cessna at the airport It seems every time i get a vehicle AI want to kill me even more! So if you see Hu5ky ( Husky ) flying overhead beware. I use this tag/name as I found that Husky is a popular name and there is always someone out there who knows a Husky but it isnt me - more often than not the other person thinks I am Russian (shrug) Oh one small question do the AI often shoot down helis ? "Duck" "No it's a Husky" Funny story: (Due to crashing into things I often go on foot to missions now but this attracts the Raiding Party so I dont often get to stop and take my time on missions) Saw a crashed heli the other day and nearby was another heli so I assumed it was part of the mission thing but it turned out after fighting the AI it belonged to a player - middle of nowhere up in the NW hills.
  10. I have seen in chat some people get shots greater than 900m however I cannot see any AI or buildings further than ~800m Is there something I can do apart from the few changes I tried in the Display settings? Here are some screenshots: I can understand that on a PvP server this would be a balancing method. Most of my combat has to occur less than 800m with sniper weapons or I cannot see the targets
  11. Restarted Steam and I was able to connect or it was a coincidence 5 minutes later my computer did a random reboot for no reason
  12. Restarted Steam and I was able to connect or it was a coincidence
  13. Hello - I am totally new to Arma and the server so this is something I have no experience of. I start to join the server but it gets stuck on connecting - I can see the welcome messages and even have a battleye id number but thats as far as it gets - this happened last week but after one retry it let me on but Wedesday (18th) and Thursday (19th) (this morning UKGMT) this issue has become more apparent. Some websites suggest re-installing Arma + Mods whilst others say its not the client that is at fault but something to do with Steam. One site even suggests that its the server fault - so obviously there is not a clear reason for the issue. Ah my bad - there is a forum Help section - I should have posted there instead
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