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Posts posted by Hu5ky

  1. I dont recall mentioning i had a heart attack ( 29th October 2018 ) and then i had another recently ( 21st February 2020 ) between these dates I was feeling very stressed and so I am sorry to say I vanished from OGG servers and became reclusive - i played some ARK and some DAYZ  as well as some weird game on steam called BANISHED err.

    Still its nice to see most of you are still huddled around :)

    So big hugs to all ( virtual ) lol

    I will be back on the server a bit but to update on my current situation: my wife still has MS and its a bit worse than before, we still have the dogs,  my son is still lazy, but that said I have had a fun time with my medical side.

    In 2018 i had my 1st heart attack and that resulted in 2 stents but they missed a partial blockage so for most of that time until Feb this year i was having chest pain, was told it was nothing to worry about, wrong. I was rushed into hospital, it felt like I had been kicked by a small pony, while in the local hospital it got worse and they gave me a massive dose of Morphine and blood thinners, so about 1 am there i am strapped to a stretcher with oxygen bottle between my legs a heart rate monitor ballanced on my groin and a GTA drip being beld my the 3rd ambulance man as we took a mad dash to another hosptial 15 miles away - blues and sirens the lot. Had my 3rd stent and another 3 days in Cardiac Care ( same ward ) as before.

    So then in the past month since that event I have had several trips to hospital again for racing heart and arrhythmia then they discovered i have developed a hiatus hernia so now i have even more drugs, doctors have also put me on something called Citalopram for my Agoraphobia which is worse now because of Covid-19 ( agoraphobia:  fear of leaving home sort of ).

    Here is a brief summary:


    Agoraphobia is often misunderstood to be simply a fear of leaving home, however, this is not quite accurate. Agoraphobia is a phobia of being in a situation where escape would be difficult or impossible, or help would be unavailable if a panic attack should occur.

    So you can see life i err funny sometimes.

    I have also discovered I am sensitive to Tannin and Caffeine which makes my heart leap about and race unexpectedly. Some foods and drinks also react giving me heart palpitations, soooo I am on caffeine free tea ( not so nice ), no sugar but sweeteners, small meals/snacks, juice most days and I am overweight so I should be doing a lot more exercise but Agoraphobia and Covid-19 restrictions = couch potato.

    One other thing, violent events or things in games sometimes trigger uncontrolled heart beats :( so trying to find things that are calm is hard when i play ark/dayz/arma/etc ....

    If you hear screams of terror thats me ingame ;)


  2. I was going to try to compile this as a short video but as we all know things never work out as intended so in case my plan fails here is the sketch script - you will have to use your own imagination and try to use the voices for the Monty Python Team as I intended....


    Crackly Music plays the Radio broadcast News intro.....

    [A radio station is setup on the dining room table of a small British Working Family home, circa 1966! A row of ornamental ducks are lined up above a gaudy green tiled fireplace]: Use your imagination chaps....

    A Very British Accent Newsman: [John Cleese]: "Here is The News..."  [then more urgently sounding]    "Just in!"      "A talking goat called.. Trevor,"

    Cockney voice: [Eric Idle]: [whispering]:      ["thats a funny name for a goat..."]

    Newsman: "Trevor" [pause] "has been found, living on a Greek Island."

    Newsman: "The predicament is that the Island recently became a prison for criminals."

    Cockney voice :[whispering]: ["That goat is right royally f....."]

    Newsman: [Interrupts]:      "Will you please be quiet I am trying to read the news !"

    Cockney voice: [whispering]: "sorry...."

    Newsman: [speaking quieter than he has]"Where do, we find our staff."

    Cockney voice:  "What do you mean"   [casually imitating the Newsmans accent]     "Where do we find our staff"

    Newsman: "Right!"  [Sound of chair moving abruptly  then rapidly shuffling footsteps]   "That's it"   " Your Fired!"

    Cockney voice: "You cant fire me" [short pause] "I'm yer dad"

    Womans voice [Monty Python Life of Brian style]: [Terry Jones]: "Oyy!" "you cant talk to him like that"

    Cockney voice and Newsman: [loudly together]: "OH!" "Shut Up Mother!"

    Womans voice: [upset higher pitched]: "Dont youooo tell me to shut up".. 

    Banging and crashing can be heard in the background as the music plays the "out" for the news...

    A very male British voice: []: "And so, a military mission has been called for by the islanders" "Codenamed, Get Off Altis Trevor" [pause] "GOAT for short......"

    [noises in background stop]:

    Newsman, Dad and Mother:    [all together]:  "OY!" "who the F[beeeeep] are you!"


  3. UPDATE: Well that was bad planning - Holiday Road is NOT going to happen I am afraid nor is Hitman ( cannot build the mission the way I wanted ) might be possible with Zeus but then thats another story.

    Working on a thing called G.O.A.T - acronym for Get Off Altis Trevor....

    Went to play DAYZ to get inspiration and found Dayz 1.0/1.1 is a total bag of [insert bleeping for the next twelve words............................................................................................................]

    So be back soon with Trevor if that works..... or possibly something completely different..

  4. Mission Name: Convoy

    Mission Directive: Multiple levels each reward a different land vehicle

    Mission Hazards: Lots of AI and a nasty Turret.

    Mission is not hard if you scout it first.

    This mission is modelled on FOTN mission.

    Uploaded to Teamspeak room with others.....


  5. New Mission in the works ( actually a few but some are not working as i want ) .

    Here are some clues to the missions I am trying to get to work:

    First is Holiday Road.



    Next is Hitman




    Third is Smokey and The Bandit / Convoy


    I think Holiday Road might not be exactly the same as (a) the film (b) my dayz video 😎

    Actually non of what you see is going to be in the missions but are just reference points to the style rather than the content.


    EDIT 18:00 23rd March 2019: Convoy is a promising mission - it will be HARD however  to get completed due to the turret.....

  6. The first wave of 20 Men In Black parachutists is not a timed event but determined by the distance they halo and parachute from - any higher and the mission breaks.

    The waves of replacements are determined by the following code:


                180,        // About a 3 minute delay between reinforcements.

    Changing this could allow for a little more time between the groups after killing the majority on the ground... see explanation below.


                5,          // Reinforcements will only trigger if there's fewer than 5 members left in the group
                4           // 4 reinforcement units per wave.


                    20,     // Maximum 20 units can be given as reinforcements.

    So if there are less than 5 ai alive on the ground then the server will spawn a replcement wave of 4 parachutists @  1000 meters above the ground - they halo and then open the chutes then float down and finally reach the ground after about a minute or so ( the halo and parachute phase is not part of the code timer diag_tickTime ) therefore the time between reinforcements is greater than 180 seconds. this means a player must kill the last 5 units within 3 minutes or more spawn above.

    This does have an overlap however which is not intended where - when you kill the last 4 the diag_tickTime has already expired and the next 4 ai are already falling.

    Lets put it this way:

    As soon as you kill 1 of the remaining 5  then the diag_tickTime starts and you now only have 3 minutes to kill the remaining 4 ai - if you succeed then all is good but fail the timer and 4 parachutists are now falling from above but this presents the catch in the mission as there are only 4 ai not 5 so the timer is already skipped / ticked as the total number of alive ai is less than 5, the next group of 4 parachutist is already coming bringing the total to 8 parachutists. Kill 3 of the new 8 and your back to the last 5 and the 3 minute timer barrier. 

    Effectively you have to kill about 6-8 ai in 5 minutes or the process continues but there is a total of 20 ai in reserve so the mission will complete eventually once you kill the total of 47 ai.

    • Like 1
  7. FOTN - helicopter: CUP_B_UH1Y_UNA_USMC sale value is 64 poptabs !  so will change the file instead - easiest solution as the one on the trader list is CUP_B_UH1Y_MEV_USMC

    File updated needs re-upload to server so that the UH1Y can be sold 

    Dont ask me what the difference is between UNA and MEV

  8. New Static Mission:  Aircraft Landing Mission: Operation Petticoat

    Location is the upper North ocean area - check the map

    Filename op.sqf

    Land any aircraft on the Aircraft Carrier.

    There is a lootbox - with a very small amount in it so NO Rewards really - its inside one of the rooms on the ship.

    Get within 2m of the lootbox will complete the mission.

    There are NO Ai or defence systems so there is no fighting required.

    The thing is there so people can play about trying to land aircraft on the ships deck - you can also use the catapult to launch your aircraft into the air - some aircraft may not work with the catapult or the arrestor gear wires/cables...


    • Like 1
  9. THPOA fixed.

    The real info: 1 Priest (not armed) - 6 companions (not armed) - 20 parachutists > Men in Black (armed) - reinforcement MiB parachutists s if you dont kill them fast enough (maximum 20 ( i think) in waves of 4)

    Rewards are terrible - a small van and a small crate of loot both crate and vehicle have poptabs and loot is randomised - might up the values later if people enjoy slaughtering this mission.

    There is a wall around the area so some ai will be inside the church wall and some parachutists will be scattered all over the hill around.

    This is a STATIC mission so you have to go in on foot - the mission is labelled Easy but you can still get murdered. 

    There are NO static guns and no enemy vehicles so you just up again some badly equipped ai ( ak47 ) and a hill to get up. You could start off as a sniper and see how it goes but as they are Easy Mode they wont be chasing after you so eventually you may have to go in there to finish them off..... 

    Location is South Island ( Sw corner )


  10. THPOA is nearly complete - premise is that a group of isolated clergy have decided to move their holy relics to a safer place ( a bit late in the day ) and before their transport arrives you need to (a) kill them all (b) get the loot. Simple mission except that most of the ai are decending on parachutes and those parachutists have guns - still its an easy mission - loot will be a random box and there will be some sort of vehicle just because.

    23:00 Well that was just bad luck on my part - as soon as i said THPOA was nearly done - the damn thing broke and there is no reason for the errors i am getting - maybe a few hour may solve the problem -  i change some of the wording in the file but the server error is calling back the OLD words -  

  11. Odim vehicle only mission is now complete - the box is random concrete stuff - the vehicle is not pincoded so has to be sold - there are poptabs in the vehicles and in the crate - the vehicle also has random loot  inside. The marid is aquatic so drive it off the top of the ship and 10kph to reach land or heli lift it to land/trader.

    • Like 1
  12. Well I lost a lot of hair today and have realised I am missing something in the code sooooo going to change my tactics and take a break from this - back to the grindstone when my head stops bleeding lol

    OMFG i am soooo dumb - i went through the code for the Nemo Mission , ODIM , THPOA and the bandit mission FOTN and finally found where i went wrong.

    Here is the answer:


    // Define Mission Win message

    // original message _msgWIN = ['#0080ff',"Convicts have successfully eliminated the Pirates and obtained the loot and vehicles!, entry code %1...",_pinCode];

    _msgWIN = ['#0080ff',format ["Convicts have successfully eliminated the Pirates and obtained the loot and vehicles!, entry code %1...",_pinCode]]

    Should have added ,format [ and a closer ]

    PinCode hmmmmm thats a good question

  13. Working on 4 files at the same time so excuse the lateness of my replies: ODIM - FOTN - Nemo - THPOA..... all require tweaks and fixes hence the code above is pretty important if i can just get it to work the way i want....


    Flight of the navigator -  FOTN is a basic mission - as mentioned earlier but each different level has a different reward vehicle. The code i am working on should allow for multiple boxes vehicles and loot ....

  14. Been working on the vehicles and boxes for the best part of  8 days now - hence the lack of playtime on the OGG server.

    A loot box and/or loot vehicle that is a reward generally has GOD MODE enabled by default and cannot be harmed until the mission is complete and the server releases it from the godmode - hence as the mission is currently bugged the vehicle wont land on the deck and is still therefore immune to damage as it is still in godmode.

    Having dreams about ODIM/Nemo missions lol

    Finally getting close to the solution - now i can get the boxes to unlock and vehicles to unlock but the box is Empty :(

    Here is some of the code from Nemo which also is used in part for ODIM - still work in progress to figure out the syntax as there is no guide on the forums etc.


    _missionObjs =


    I forgot to check the file again regarding the floating vehicle and it being locked - but I think its a viable one - updated last few days - going to bed now as i been at this for the best part of 8hrs - time to rest........ will check ODIM in the morning and confirm the changes I have made...............................

  15. A few small problems with ODIM:

    1. The reward vehicle keeps floating up into the air = still trying to figure out why

    2. The Ai in boats have a tendency to ram each other and the static ship resulting in their deaths

    3. The location for some of the defence system weapons is very narrow and the systems keep blowing up so had to remove those 

    4. I have died multiple times in Jets and helicopters attempting to get within range to blow stuff up but the defence systems keep killing me first

    5. In the UK we say Defence whereas the USA spelling is Defense - go figure.....

    6. Dont blame me for ODIM salty deaths

    7. Go do F.O.T.N instead

  16. If you defeat the mission you can land a jet/heli on the ship - the Aircraft Catapult works and will assist you to leave the deck of the ship, line your aircraft up with the groove and move onto it and you will get a pop up saying to Launch press SPACEBAR - don't forget to check you are disengaged (scroll wheel) once airborne..... Good Luck landing on the flight deck if you do intend to do so.......


    I have uploaded to TS two bandit missions:

    - Summer Holiday = simple mission suitable for new players = main rewards is a bus :) 

    - Flight of The Navigator - hard mission - varies from easy to hardcore - each difficulty rewards a different helicopter - not armed helis - Hardcore Mission rewards the Osprey ( if you can fly a VTOL ) some rewards can be keycoded some cannot (random)


    I have uploaded to TS 1 more Static mission:

    One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing

    This Static Mission can only be completed by Jets/attack helicopters as there is no way to do this mission on foot as it is far far far out at sea.

    There is no reward vehicle yet as this has to be discussed with Admin. See Below:

    There is a crate on board the ship - to get to the crate you really have to kill everything and then fly/land on the top deck - there is no ladder to climb up from the ocean surface !

    The mission is far out to sea to avoid other players being shot at by the Anti Air rockets etc ...... BIG clue in this sentence !

    This mission OoODIM may be changed to add more ai/vehicles - at present there are only 19+ Ai.....

    You want some pictures ?




    EDIT: 25th February 2019

    Added Marid on top of the ship as a reward ( seems the CSAT vehicle was found floating out at sea and when brought aboard the ship detonated gas canisters strapped to the underside of the vehicle, which is why there are no ships personnel anywhere to be found yet the defence system is active ).


    These are ACTIVE weapon systems and will engage you if you get too close to the ship..... 




  18. Update: I have been testing/checking for 12 hours and I am still getting errors from this mission in the server .rpt file - but it is functional - it might be just my server <> config <> conflict but i cannot tell - awaiting some feedback on the last update i posted...

    Working on another mission while testing this at the same time.

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