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Posts posted by AssAssIn0515

  1. I agree with this in general, with a few tweaks from my experiences on other servers.

    PLEASE NOTE: I mean absolutely no disrespect to the owners/admins of OGG; think of this as a "product review" and not as a "you failed, you're bad" post.

    1. Bicycles. Definitely can be annoying, and I understand why they're there. I don't think they HAVE to be removed - you need to be watching the road if you're driving and they really are quite easy to see and avoid if you're doing so - but there are certainly better options. One option I've seen is to be able to spawn in an ATV by double clicking on your radio in your inventory. This can be made so you can only do it while in bambi status, and can spawn in a $0-sell, non-persistent ATV that allows for quick transit back to your dead body, and without all the glitches and headaches of bikes. (I've also seen bikes be the thing that spawns, and while that solves the "bikes in the road" problem, it doesn't address the unreliableness of the bike itself).

    2. Spawn kits. I do think these are quite good, but I also agree that nvg's (not the nvg helm from apex, but the generic nvg's) would be a nice addition at some respect point. Perhaps these just need revisited/rebalanced/updated in general?

    3. Static (AT). Here I think exists a problem. If you setup a static - of any kind - and park a ammo truck by it, you get infinite ammo. The whole point of not allowing vehicles to participate in the static missions is to provide a mission type for people who desier something harder; a mission that requires a higher tier of awareness and finesse. Having anyone able to do these missions because they can just bombard the town with free, unlimited AT rockets seems to defeat that idea; but maybe I have the wrong concept about those missions. As far as how to keep them from being used on static missions...idk. The game clearly recognizes them as a vehicle - since they rearm off an ammo truck - so maybe there's your answer.

         3.a. I would like to see those Titan launchers you pickup from other missions be worth something in the shop for selling purposes. Maybe a little rework on how these and the mounted 50's show up and their costs? For instance: for each MG (mounted gun) that will spawn at a mission, it has a 70% chance to be a 50-cal, a 25% chance to be an AT titan, and a 5% chance of being an AA Titan. BUT we also change the pricing a little. ALL tripods sell for $1000. 50-cal's sell for $1500. AT sell for $2000. AA sell for $5000. This will make picking up those MG's worth it, but not make millionaires out of people over night.

    4. Server notifications. I DEFINITELY agree that the current server messages are far from adequate. As a long time Exile player, the very first thing I do when I join a new server is open my tablet and read the rules; but brand new players don't even know they have a tablet sometimes. Currently, the server doesn't welcome you in any way. No MOTD or anything like that. You just have to wait for the timed messages to appear in chat. And then, it's just a huge block of text in the chat box that is at best ignored/hard to read, and at worst, interrupts conversations and fails to communicate the important info. A short MOTD that appears when you join asking you to read the rules on your XM8 (while explaining how to open said tablet) and to ask for an invite to the OGG player group would be much more clean. Also, the server rules on both the XM8 and forums need to be updated as soon as they're added to/changed in any way (just a quick edit of the config files for the next time the server restarts). If the rules on the tablet don't state "you cannot claim the static missions", for instance, then it's nearly impossible for the "public" to enforce that rule and leads to calls for 'admin' and/or disgruntled players.


    Once again, I'm trying to both provide feedback on the current state of server play and provide some possible solutions to those problems. I'm NOT trying to be a head-basher or anything :)

    I know you have a whole list of bugs and other issues to deal with as owners, developers, and admins. I hope these can be addressed, and would be willing to help in any way I can.


    Happy hunting!

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