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Ulrich Yngling

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Posts posted by Ulrich Yngling

  1. The bandits were subdued during daytime (into nighttime) after encouraging RP by many members of Canada. The cart being pulled held, naphtha, flux, furs, and small repair kits. All q40. Armor was taken as well, T2 Leather and Scale. 25 copper coin per head was also paid as promised by Wyggie Piggish in his bounty. 

    **Total time of the event was ~50 mins. Events like this will continue to pop up. There have been 4 minor events to include a bandit going claim to claim, attacked trader cart beset by wolves, bandit held out at his temporary hideout, and a traveling black market caravan. These events (and more like them) will be run during prime server hours 1900-2300 EST. The frequency and depth of these events varies wildly on the GM's availability to host them. Therefore, minor events such as these will be announced as soon as practically possible. The reason these are run during prime hours is so we don't have to announce to get players to show, because there's already a large contingent on at that time. Larger events will be planned and scheduled in advance. Your understanding is appreciated.

  2. There will be a GM event around 10pm EST. It will consist of a guarded caravan trying to make its way to the Wyggeston's Wares (Trading Post). By order of Wyggie Piggish, this caravan is to be halted before it reaches the Trading Post. In return, Wyggie Piggish will pay 25 copper coins per head and an offer will be made for any gear, armor, or weapons they carry. 

  3. Hello everyone, I just wanted to go over the event last night as it was the first one and it went fairly well. I played a character named Godfrey the Forlorn. The back story was that he was a shipwrecked lunatic who came ashore with some loot. His position was marked with a signal fire and broadcast on global by another GM. With this type of event, the character will be carrying some loot and will challenge others throughout the realm with a blunt weapon. This is so that we dont kill, but rather subdue. The "aim of the game" is to try and take down Godfrey (by death) and take his loot. YOU CAN KILL GODFREY. Godfrey will make his way around, often demanding low value items (ie primitive tools, regular tools, food, boots, etc) and in return he'll let you stay conscious and he'll move along. Deny him what he asks for, and he will fight. Eventually, Godfrey was taken down by members of Canada. To be 100% transparent this first time, I will tell you what Godfrey was carrying. 1 q50 stallion, 1 q50 full set of tier 1 scale armor, 1 q50 heavy targe shield, 1  q50 maul, 1 q50 cudgel, 1 q50 bastard sword (unused), 5 q100 venison bratwursts (the real prize for aid in skill progression), and an assortment of "confiscated" items he picked up along the way. To be clear, there was another GM (Rex) supervising the entire time. Godfrey visited 8 claims, some of which were empty. If he didnt get to you, rest assured he will. Geographical hints were given out, it is recommended you keep an eye on global. Hope everyone had fun!! This is just the beginning...

    ALSO, this is an RP server, if you are approached during this event and refuse to play along (and you dont have some valid excuse) Godfrey will consider you crazier than him, and there can only be one crazy on this island. He will collect from you as well.

  4. With all of our enemies running away, the Renegades of Salvation wish for the "war" to be formally ended. We have seen the evil vanquished, and are ready for the kingdom to prosper once again. 

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