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Posts posted by Arkbird

  1. Same for me Witt, It doesn't bill me and I sit there waiting. And then it locks me out from ordering as I have to wait like 2900 seconds between orders. :(

    Edit: Which one are you trying to buy? I noticed the Superhind CSAT doesn't work but the Digi one works.

  2. The one I bought from the tablet I don't remember, it was one of the hinds on the list I was trying to figure out which was which but I stopped after my first purchase and insurance wasn't working.

    As for the insured vehicles, according to the insurance thread, Apache, Stryker, Hind and Cheetah. But X said I could have a Kuma.

  3. Hey guys, I am gonna start a list of vehicle upgrade because I am curious which one can actually be upped. If you know of any add them here


    - SUV Armed



    - CVPI Texas State Trooper

    - MTVR Desert Fuel truck

    - Nissan 350z (Ruben's Car)

    - Vodnik (Ambulance)


    • Upvote 1
  4. Hello fellas, I lost some vics today and I just wanna make sure it wasn't deleted by an admin or anything. If it was, I'd be curious to know why. I had a MV22, Desert MTVR and black armed SUV outside my base at Prud, those disappeared. I also had a MI-17 parked outside on the western hills just below NW airfield and that was gone as well when I logged back in today.

  5. So I made it to super hero, headed to Kamenka. There is that Merlin for 5 briefs so I figured it's got to be better, right? I flew my old merlin out, dump it in the sea, buy the new one. It looks exactly the same. I fly to regular air trader, the merlin they sell for 2 briefs has exactly the same specs. Why are you so cruel!

  6. Hello, I'd like to report that there was a player called shawn killing people today. He shot Charlie, lazerous and possibly another dude. He was standing by stolen vics he hooked up and wouldn't answer. He then started waving his pistol around so I put him down.

  7. Hey guys, today I've just had the weirdest thing happen to me. I was trying to rearm my AH-1H with a Bobcat. Every time I hit the rearm button, it gives me some ammo back but then stops and I have to change position to reacquire the option. After about 5 minutes of fiddling around, my chopper turret got stuck in the truck and it lifted the nose upwards. When I jumped off to move the truck, my character got stuck between the chopper and vehicle looping me in an infinite fall movement. It eventually gave me a "died by crash damage". As I was parachutting back on my base, I noticed that my chopper was now a pile of burning ashes. Is there some sort to test out if the bobcat has issues rearming?

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