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Alan's Snackbar

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Everything posted by Alan's Snackbar

  1. Got a suggestion about the day/night cycle, and that dreadfull voting system. Would be nice to have a steady day/night cycle on the server, like 2/2 or 2.5/1.5. Now it's never night cuz everyone is to lazy to get proper gear, and just votes day at the first sign of darkness. And i don't know if its possible, but the switch between day and night should be a bit faster, as of now, we get that beautifull but annoying low sun for almost an hour. That's prolly the reason people vote day, cuz it's to dark to see proper, but way to light for NVG's then. I found a A3 fullscreen NVG's mod, don't know if it works in Exile tho: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21772
  2. First off, really enjoy the server, and the community. I do have a few suggestions for the server. Please tone down the AI tanks a bit. Your forcing your players to only use highend tanks, cuz with everything else you don't stand a change. I'm talking about the Marshall and Gorgon. Even in a tank, they will take you out in 2 shots. When the AI have HMG vehicles you stand a chance, now you dont. Same with the AI all having grenade launchers with some sort of rapid fire. Anything without tracks gets disabled in seconds. I know it more of a challenge for the veterans, but new players have no chance at all, thus they leave very fast. I also want to recommend a few scripts: This will give you a instadoc hotkey on your #7 key. In:exileclient_gui_hud_event_onkeydown.sqfFind:case 0x08:Replace with:case 0x08:{if ("Exile_Item_InstaDoc" in (magazines player)) then{["Exile_Item_InstaDoc"] call ExileClient_object_item_consume;}else{["Whoops", ["You need a InstaDoc to do that!"]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification;};_stopPropagation = true;}; Fix for the loosing of mags on relog/restart: http://www.exilemod.com/topic/8828-fix-losing-a-mag-everytime-you-relog/ Chopping wood directly into a vehicle, nice now that take all doesnt work like it did: http://www.exilemod.com/topic/7511-chop-wood-script-directly-in-vehicle/ And is it possible to change the traderzone godmode? Cuz as of now, we can't shoot out, and whenever ai vics get close to it, they get godmode for quite a long time. -Edit1- Give the mission AI more AT weapons, cuz as of know, barely anyone actually does a mission with a gun. Just blast them away with a vic and you're done.
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