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Alan's Snackbar

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Posts posted by Alan's Snackbar

  1. Well, tried playing again after a few weeks of absence. And instead of improving fps, more stuff keeps getting added, making it barely playable for me. I do think it's a real shame, it's a great server with a fun community, but now you guys are putting mods/items over playabilaty.

  2. Are you guys willing to add and remove some vehicles? For example the BMP models, we got like 30? different models, but i think they are hardly ever used? Same with the BTR, just a few different skin, but basicly the same vehicle. Don't know if it will have any effect on server performance tho?

    I really hope you guys want to add the Blackfoot stealth attack chopper? No clue if it's any good, but it just looks awesome.



    Is it possible to clean up terminal again. There are 40/50 vehicles stored there again, giving me and some other players single digit fps at trader.

  3. Just thought off another good idea. If a map change isn't gonna happen in the near future, remove the terminal trader from Altis, and scatter some smaller traders around the map.

    Two upsides, 1 being there will be no more terminal safezone parking, 2 it will make players fan out on the rest of the map. I think now 90% of the bases are within 5k of terminal trader.

  4. At this moment there are 17!!! missions up, over 200 mission Ai up numbing the server down to a steady 8/9 fps for me. I'm guessing adding the roaming ai to this number would make it 300+ ai running around the server. Thats way to much!

    Recount with screenshot, over 300 mission Ai alone.


  5. I really hope you guys aren't gonna wait on BI. The Exile devs are going to release a very well optimized version of Namalsk soon. Being one of the first, or maybe only PvE server with that map will be very nice. And that map is way smaller then Altis, so less server load and more action for the players.

  6. Another tip from my side. Loose the CUP weapons and switch over to mass. I think cup weapons is the reason the trader isn't working as it should. Now for every gun we need to guess wich attachment maybe fits. And Mass vs Cup is quality over quantity.

  7. I agree with both jaspoe30 and Sarge. I to think the tanks are taking the fun and danger aspect from the server. Exile should be a survival mod, but on the server atm, it's just play around with fancy toys with almost no risk.

    My ideal server would one where a armed pickup is the best vehicle, high end guns can't be bought, just found and be very rare, Ai should be a threat again, and not because they are in a OP tank.

    Traders should be there to keep a player barely alive, with food/drinks and ammo, not the cater to our every needs.

    But that's not what most players want, they want the easy life. It's up to the crew, and our input, to find a nice balance we all like.

  8. It's hard to find middle ground on this. If you make the random Ai to hard, new players, or players who don't want tanks, are in a huge disadvantage.

    I don't know if you guys want this, but i've seen a other server make 1 part of the map Ai fortified.


    They had Ai barricades along the roads and alot of bases there. Maybe try to make something like that, so that people who want to use tanks on Ai can have their fun, but others aren't "forced" to roll around in tanks.

    You could prolly replace the Ai Base and the generals FOB with this? And maybe reduce the Ai at regular missions again, to decrease server load.

  9. Dunno if it's just me, but my FPS is getting worse almost by the day on the server. First few days i was on i was at 25/30, then after a couple of weeks it went to 20/25. Still very playable for me, but lately im barely getting 10/15 fps, even sitting still, doing nothing at base. And i don't think it's my base, cuz it's quite small. I also get a huge lagspike, down to 0/5 fps whenever a mission spawns. Around terminal i barely get above 10, but that's mainly cuz of the vehicle clutter that keeps arrising there. It's been cleared the 25th, 4 days later, 15/20 vehicles stored there again.

    That traderzone unlock script that is in Exile would help with that. Just add a clear server message to not leave vics at trader.

  10. I agree with all these things except the Ai part, i'm very glad they got toned down abit.

    Specially the base limit and vehicle limit is a good idea. I've seen guys with 20/25+ vehicles at base. I know it nice to hoard alot of vehicles, cuz money is plentyfull, but this impacts the performance alot.

    I like to change vehicle every few days.

    High loot spawn isnt a real problem, lot of guys dont bother to loot anyway, they just go after missions and Ai for cash.

  11. I wonder if there is any interest in a map change?  Cuz although Altis is a nice map, it's quite boring, mostly becuz of everything and everyone being around the terminal trader.

    I think the eXile team is going to release a amazing version of Namalsk soon, that would be epic. Would like to know if the crew is interested in this, and what other maps you guys might want to see?

  12. Maybe it's an idea to get rid of the random spawn bikes around the spawnzones, as they are hardly found/uesd, and always spawn in the exact middle of the road. So we will crash into them and die. Would like to see some more random spawn cars/trucks. And the possibility to spawn our own bike.

    Can you add the base upgrade kit to trader, and as a rare spawn?


    Maybe an idea to add the Demo mags for different guns to the trader, gives us a bit more chance when we encounter an Ai vehicle.

    And this one is a biggy, lots of work, but would be nice if most of the vehicles could tow/be towed. As of now, most of the tracked vehicles, and some of the APC's, cant tow/be towed.

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