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Posts posted by Cye

  1. Yea that's one big thing about these main missions. You will want to work as a team and so for that we'd suggest forming different fire teams and having leaders for each one. Each team using different teamspeak channels but using group chat to talk to everyone at once if need be. The first mission that we've planned out should be a good one for just that so hopefully we'll be running it in the next day or so.

  2. Greetings everyone. Mad Max and myself have decided to run a new mission filled story line that will be controlled by the players themselves. To explain this without giving too much of it away, the decisions of how the missions are done and which objectives of each mission are completed will determine where and how the next mission will be held. As an example if you have to take out 3 targets but during the mission time that is set you only take out 2 of the 3 target then on the next mission there will be consequences for missing that third target in the previous mission, meaning the mission will be harder and less likely to complete.

         There will be 2 types of missions happening with this story line:

         Main Story Missions: these missions will be the hardest of the two types with main and secondary objectives held out throughout the mission, secondary missions MAY pop up DURING the main mission so keep your eyes and ears open at all times. These missions will also have to be played out in a more strategic type of gameplay due to the fact that if you die and you are unable to be revived by another player who is currently a part of the mission with a defib, then you will not be allowed to respawn and run back NOR will an admin be able to return you to the mission after you do respawn. If you die during the mission, however, this does NOT exempt you from the rewards, for you were still a part of the mission and will still be rewarded for doing it. The rewards will be based on the main objective and secondary objectives being completed. If you complete the main objective and you believe you can do the secondary mission then you can do so BUT while doing the secondary objective if the MAIN objective fails then you will lose both the main and secondary objectives. If your main objective is to rescue a hostage and return them to the safe zone but the hostage dies, even while you believe they are safe in a certain area, while doing the secondary objective then you will fail the mission completely.

         Side Story Missions: these missions will be generated throughout the middle of the week due to the success or failure of main or secondary objectives during the main story missions. They may or may not help you with the next main story mission, but doing them will reap high rewards. If you are killed during these missions you will be allowed to respawn and return to the mission, unlike the main story missions. This is to make it so new players can get plenty of practice in other times working as a team with team leaders and such. Note that if you don't complete secondary objectives, these missions may not happen during the week.


         The island of Altis has recently seen a rise in crime, including bank robberies, mass car jackings, and ransoming kidnapped citizens, with little to no resistance or retaliation by the current police force. The Altis Military and police finds itself ill prepared to counter such a rise in crime due to lack of personnel to cover such a large area. Some even believe that this sudden crime wave is just the beginning to a larger scheme. Although no evidence has surfaced to justify these claims, the Altis government refuses to allow it's citizens to succumb to the fear that they may be the next victims in this long line of crimes.

         A rebel faction shortly arises and  claims responsibility for the current crime wave that is covering all of Altis. The rebels, calling themselves the New Pyrgosian Coalition (NPC), have justified these attacks by saying they are only trying to prove that the current government is unable to keep the island safe from any attackers and that if they are willing to surrender the seat of the president and disband the current military that all hostilities will cease and Altis will once again live in peace.  The Altis government quickly responds by requesting the help of the United Nations

         The United Nations Altis Division (UNAD) is formed and is sent to Altis to help keep the peace and fight the rebels. Shortly after the first wave of soldiers lands in Altis, NPC forces send a small tank group to attack Kavala. The UNAD forces respond by directing C130s to deploy paratroopers to the outskirts of the city to help fight off the attacking rebel forces. After losing the fight in Kavala, the NPC gathers its forces for an all out attack against the Altis government.

         War erupts and both sides take heavy losses but the joint forces of UNAD and the Altis military have been able to keep a strong foothold in a few locations, the largest being the Altis International Airport. The United Nations plans to send in more troops in the near future, but for now it is up to the remaining troops to keep the rebel forces at bay. The 12th fleet is also being deployed to the Pyrgos Gulf to help secure the airport but won't arrive for another couple of months.

         Due to all of the fighting, a small but elite group of men have banded together to fight against the NPC as well. To show their strength, they assaulted a major stronghold belonging to the NPC. This group win the battle with minimal losses and every NPC soldier was killed in the attack. Although not much is known about this group of mercenaries, it is said that for the right price they would be willing to aid the UNAD and Altis military forces in the fight against the NPC.

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