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Posts posted by Tim

  1. Effective immediately I am stepping down as owner of [OGG], and handing it off to NIMDA and LilBunnyFooFoo.

    As a result there will be some changes to the server. The server will be changing hosts in the near future. I'm sure they will keep you up to date on all of the changes as they get the information.

    Real life has gotten in the way, and I just don't have the time to dedicate to running a server. It's not fair to the [OGG] community for me to continue managing a server, that I can rarely log on to. This server has been running for over a year, and I thank all of you for your support in that time. If it wasn't for all of you, the server would have died a long time ago. I am sure that Bunny and Nimda will continue to give you the support that you all are accustomed to, and you will see things are for the better this way. I will try to log in from time-to-time to see all of the new updates, and just to check in and chat.

    It's been real.

    Thank you all,


  2. I have also fixed gas station shed, hospital, general store, control tower, and hanger. Let me know if there are any others that aren't working after the next restart. I would get into TS, but it's still downloading along with a bunch of other stuff. Still working on my SSD installs

  3. Can you tell me in detail which buildings are not spawning loot, I can go into the database and change the names so that they will spawn. I found some 4 Barracks, on 8/20 are those yours? If so they are fixed and will spawn properly after next restart. List any others and I'll see what I can do.

  4. I will do it, if you have both files for nametaker, I'll just log into the editor and move them to the new location and save it as a new file. That should make it a lot quicker. I do appreciate all of your help on this Fletcher, has taken a load off of me.

  5. Nametakers base was created in the editor, and that can be done, it will just take some time. I'll see what I can do, but I work for the next 9 days. So it would be first weekend in September before I would have time to do it most likely.

  6. I can remove the damage on aged items to see if that fixes it. Is there a time frame on how long it takes the items to delete? I think the damage script is set to 3 days, so in ~9 days it could be damaged enough to be removed by the script. But again, I'll look at it.

  7. I did get to play with the new server last nigh, and did get overpoch working. I would like to build a file system and turn the PvE server into overpoch as well. Once that is all set, I will turn the new server into the server that maps will be changed every so oftain. And hope to make my own test server at some point, to save money.

  8. We will have to keep an eye on the bases bug.

    As for AI, I am trying to get the 2nd server going and will use that as a test server until we get the PvE server to a good working state. Once the test server is available I can try to increase AI and change over to wicked AI. I'll look at the mission system tonight to see if it's just an adjustment of if I have to play with the script. I also want to increase the amount of missions up at one time. But that is more scripting for sure, not an easy adjustment.

  9. I will look into it Bush Elephant. I did set the same heli and ground patrols the same as we had on the old serer. I'll look at it again to make sure, but it should be at 2 heli and 5 ground patrols. I'm not sure about the mission increase since it's coded into the mission system, but I can see what I can do about that. I will also look at the AI disappearing from missions

    Donor vehicles can tow, well some. I will be adding the rest in the near future.

  10. Ok it looks like I needed to edit the tow lift script quite a bit, I have added in every vehicle that can spawn (with the exception of boats) to the towable table. And most everything to the liftable table. The lift with table has only the larger in-game helis in the table, and I can add all of the donor helis in the future.

    I have added the Ural_Ins that spawns at the missions to the database and the tow lift tables as well.

    Also updated all of the admins (ones I have UIDs' for) to the AH and the dome list.

    I'm done for tonight, will all take effect on the next restart, which should be midnight eastern time 8/6

  11. I think I have the restart issue figured out now. I'll look into the lift, though it did work in testing. Not sure what would have changed. And I assure you that the tow list is massive 100+ vehicles. So there should be a select few that don't work. I will look into that as well though.

  12. Tow function worked fine when I tested it. I'll look into it. I can adjust the dynamic spawn on the AI, should fix the random spawning. Not sure what to say about the loot or zombies in your base. But I'll look into that as well.

  13. Only thing I can think of is that you haven't got the mod added? Make sure you have the correct revision of that mod loaded and verified. Also there are some servers out there that haven't updated to the Arma2 1.63 yet too (cough dayz.st...)

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