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Celthon Havenstead

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Posts posted by Celthon Havenstead

  1. Raven to: Belsnickel the Gift Giver

    Merry Christmas Ser Belsnickel! 

    My wish would be that you deliver to the Kingdom of The Guardian Angels 100 Metal Bands and 100 Metal Components, in the name of House Havenstead.  I wish nothing for myself or House Havenstead.

    Safe travels Ser Belsnickel, and may the Blessings of the Gods, both Old and New, be upon you for the Kindness and Generosity you show the Peoples of this land.

    Merry Christmas!

    Celthon Havenstead

    • Like 1


    Be it known that:  On this 21st day of December, in the year 1057, House Havenstead announces its intent to support The Kingdom of The Guardian Angels and answers the Banner Call put forth by King Vivenji in the above posted War Declaration.

    I, Celthon Havenstead, Leader of House Havenstead, hereby declare House Havenstead as Ally of Kingdom of The Guardian Angels in this War Declaration, for the Duration of this War Declaration, and pledge to support Kingdom of The Guardian Angels as my House is able.

    Signed this 21st day of December, in the year 1057

    Celthon Havenstead


    ROSTER OF MEMBERS OF HOUSE HAVENSTEAD consists of : Celthon Havenstead

  3. Ok, thank you.  Yes, after reading the info above, the issues may have started with Village of Amaranth and The Saints becoming 'Allies'...then I'd noticed later that the Village of Amaranth had also changed their standing with me to Ally.

    The settings don't really matter in day-to-day game-play...I think it's more cosmetics than anything else on this particular server...but wanted to pass the info along in case it was something in the live-map. 

    Thank you for the information, and I will be sure to pass along the warnings about using the "Ally" tag/standing.

  4. Sorry for so many posts...just wanted to pass along all info -- As noted above I saw that 'Village of Amaranth' has their standing toward my Guild (House Havenstead) listed as Ally...none of them are online so could not ask them to change it yet, BUT I am able to change my Guild's standing toward them to anything (War, Friendly, Neutral, etc.) and the system/server accepts it, and the change is listed on the map, and under 'Guild Standings'...so the Ally tag in their case is not causing problems...so it would seem to be something else entirely causing the "?" issue with 'The Saints' and the inability for anyone to change/update their standings with them (other Guilds report same issues currently with 'The saints' only).

  5.  Understood.  It would be good, in my opinion, if a Guild that is an Ally of another could still show various standings to Guilds not in that 'alliance'...there will be Guilds outside an alliance that one would consider neutral, or even friendly.  Not every Guild outside an alliance is an enemy.


    Update: I just discovered that the 'Village of Amaranth' changed their standing to mine as 'Ally' as well, even though we are not...I shall contact their Guild leader and ask him to change it, to see if it makes a difference...although I do not see the "?" listed for their standings (as I do for The Saints): shows theirs as 'Ally' to me, and mine as 'Friendly' toward them.

  6. There are other Guilds who have not changed the default "at War" setting (meaning they show 'War' against everyone) and I am able to set my standing to 'Neutral, Friendly, etc.' for them...only 'The Saints' has the issue of the question mark listed where their standing should be listed (all other Guilds show War, Friendly, Neutral, etc.), while I see a question mark in both columns (their standing toward me, and my standing toward them) for 'The Saints'; and no matter what standing I try to enter for 'The Saints' I get the same 'server rejects request' error message.

  7. What server?: Life is Feudal
    What happened?: Currently on the 'Live Map' I am able to edit standings with all Guilds, except "The Saints"...on the 'Standings' page, under 'Guild Management', it indicates a "?" for both their standing toward my guild, as well as my guild's standing towards theirs. When I attempt to enter any 'Standing' toward them I see a small 'working' icon for a second or two, then a msg. indicating: "The server has rejected your request".
    (War, Friendly, Neutral all show same result)

    I noticed that The Saints show 'Ally' standing with 'Village of Amaranth', and 'War' status with everyone else, and wonder if the change to 'Ally' with one Guild over-wrote all other standings and is causing the "?" issue described above? One may have nothing to do with the other, but wanted to point it out, in case its relevant.
    How long?: 24-36 RL Hours
    Extra notes: Others have indicated in global chat they see the same "?" in the standings of their guild with The Saints also.
    Replication: Yes

  8. What server?: Life is Feudal
    What happened?: It is 0550 (UTC -7:00) 02/05/2018, and I am currently standing next to an 'invisible' Wild Horse. I use 'Track Peaceful Animals' and can see horses tracks appear as it walks, can hear footsteps and sound of horse breathing, etc. but unable to see or interact with Wild Horse.  Was at this same location approx. 2200 (UTC -7:00) last night, and same thing occurred.  It is at the southern tip of swamp west of O'Hoolihill (sm Mountain).
    How long?: approx. 12-18 hours.
    Extra notes: I am logged in at the moment and standing by horse, if GM wants to teleport to location to see
    Replication: Yes

  9. I, Celthon Havenstead, of House Havenstead, formally acknowledge your claim as King and Protectorate of The NorthWest, and all portions of your edict above.

    House Havenstead also requests Permit to travel through your lands for Movement and Trade.  

    May The Gods, both old and new, look favourably on your Reign...Hail King of The NorthWest.

    Respectfully, Celthon Havenstead

  10. I, Celthon Havenstead, of House Havenstead, formally acknowledge your claim as King of Broken Heel and Protectorate of the Southern Counties, and all portions of your edict above. 

    At this time I would also request permit to travel through your Lands for Movement and Trade, and further request Permission to Harvest Sprouts from Trees in the area.  No Timber or other resources from said Trees shall be taken, only Sprouts in furtherance of spreading Forests through Western areas of Southern Hook.

    Respectfully, Celthon Havenstead

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