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XM8 Rules


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I would like to see the rules in the XM8 updated to reflect what I understand them to be.

Rules in XM8 make no mention of calling out mission in side chat.  Says to mark while in Side chat but not to announce it, may be optional but I think it shouldn't be.

Does not say Static missions cannot be claimed.

A mention of unlocked vehicles not in bases being fair game would be nice also.

Probably more but I can't think of anything.


Just one more thing certain mission snaking poopers use as an excuse.

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It does in fact say that Static missions can NOT be claimed. Unlocked vehicles IMO are fair game but i will get clarification on that with my bosses. As far as claiming missions, I would do what the rules say and mark it on the map, that way everyone  can see it and not miss it, if someone deletes it bring it to an admin attention.

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Ah, missed the static one, sorry.

I am also fine with open vics being fair game, just want it to say such, all it really says is no "stealing".  As far as I can tell you cant hotwire or use the scanner so what does that mean exactly?

My point was about calling out missions in side chat(I'd like that to be a requirement),  not arguing that missions MUST be marked on the map.

Again, not arguing against any existing rules, just want more clarity in the written ones.

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I believe that there is a certain amount of space that they can type rules into XM8.  The rules do say that static missions can not be claimed (these missions can not be done with vehicles but is meant to be done as a team.


The scanner and hotwire should be disabled.  There is only so much space on XM8 for rules.  Claiming missions in side chat is more of a heads up mainly, nice when people do it, but one also has to be aware of where people are at too.

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Hotwire and the scanner are indeed disabled. An official stance on why announcing missions in side chat is a language issue. Multiple nationalities play Arma with different language capabilities. Which is why it is not required to announce in side chat. You should be checking for marks on the map to see who is doing what mission. 

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