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Everything posted by RedNeckTypeGamer

  1. It does in fact say that Static missions can NOT be claimed. Unlocked vehicles IMO are fair game but i will get clarification on that with my bosses. As far as claiming missions, I would do what the rules say and mark it on the map, that way everyone can see it and not miss it, if someone deletes it bring it to an admin attention.
  2. So when I get "Armed" and my vehicle combusts at random, my body gets stuck inside, this makes it impossible without the direct action of an admin to retrieve your gear from your corpse. I played on another server where they had a script to where you can co up to a destroyed vehicle and scroll wheel to delete it, this would poop your body and belongings out with out the action of the admin. I bring this up because it has happened to me on several occasions and I'm really getting annoyed about it, don't really care about my vehicle exploding for no reason as much as having to start from scratch spending our hard earned tabs. Thank you.
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